History of the Early Printed Hebrew Book: Ottoman Empire

This is a guide to the History of the Early Printed Hebrew Book. It was copied with permission from the guide at the University of Pennsylvania, created by Bruce E. Nielsen, and updated for Columbia University by Michelle Chesner

Ottoman Empire

Ben Naeh, Yaron  
“Hebrew Printing Houses in the Ottoman Empire,” pp. 73-96 and 141-67 in, Jewish Journalism and Printing Houses in the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey (Istanbul: The Isis Press, 2001) ed. Gad Nassi
Katz Center - Stacks. PN5650 .N37 2001
Van Pelt Library. PN5650 .N37 2001
[repr. pp. 225-275 in, The History of the Book in the Middle East (Aldershot, UK:  Ashgate Publishing Group, 2013) ed. Geoffrey Roper
Van Pelt Library. Z8.M63 H57 2013]

Cohen, Dov
“Hebrew Printing in Izmir,” [Hebrew] Kiryat Sefer 64 (1992/3) 1403-1423
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. Z6367 .K57
Van Pelt Library. Z6367 .K57

Freimann, Aron
“Die Soncinaten- Drucke in Salonichi und Constantinople (1526-1547),” Zeitschrift für Hebräische Bibliographie 9 (1905) 21-25
Katz Center – Reference Room. Z6367 .Z48
Katz Center – Stacks. Z6367 .Z48
Available via HathiTrust Digital Library.  http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.c042829132;view=1up;seq=4

Hacker, Joseph
“Constantinople Prints in the 16th Century,” [Hebrew] Areshet 5 (1972) 457-93
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery.
Van Pelt Library. Z228.H4 A74

Mehlman, Israel
“The Hebrew Press at Adrianople,” [Hebrew] Alei Sefer 6-7 (1979) 102-06
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. Z228.H4 A57
Van Pelt Library. Z228.H4 A57

Mehlman, Israel
“Notes and Additions to A. Yaari’s Hebrew Printing in Constantinople,” [Hebrew] Kiryat Sefer 43 (1967/8) 571-81
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. Z6367 .K57
Van Pelt Library. Z6367 .K57

“Hebrew Printing in Salonika," [Hebrew] pp. 73-89 in, גנוזות ספרים : מאמרים ביבליוגרפיים = Hidden books : bibliographic articles (Jerusalem: Jewish National and University Library Press, 1976)
Van Pelt Library. Z228.H4 M43

Mehlman, Yisrael
“Chapters in the history of the Salonika printing press,” [Hebrew] Sefunot 13 (1976) 215-72
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. DS135.L4 S4
Van Pelt Library. DS135.L4 S4

Meizlish, Isaac
“Addenda to the Hebrew Printing in Constantinope and Riva di Trento,” [Hebrew] Alei Sefer 1 (1975) 95-99
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. Z228.H4 A57
Van Pelt Library. Z228.H4 A57

Meral, Yasin
“Istanbul'da Basilan Ilk Kitap: Leçons des Enfants (1488) ?,” [The first book printed in Istanbul: Leçons des Enfants (1488)] Mukaddime 5 (2014) 149-152
[Referring to an anonymous “מקרי דרדקי  Mikre Dardeki, lectio pravulorum” found in Johann Christoph Wolf, Bibliotheca Hebraea (Hamburg  :  Theodor Christop. Felginer, 1721) II:1367]
Available on line.

Meral, Yasin
“Osmanli Istanbulu’nda Yahudi Matbaasi ve Basilan Bazi Önemli Eserler,” [Printing Jews in Ottoman Istanbul and some Important Printed Works] pp. 455-469 in, Osmanli Istanbul II : Uluslararasi Osmanli Istanbulu Sempozyumu Bildirileri (Istanbul :  Istanbul 29 Mayis Üniversitesi Yayinlari ; Istanbul : Istanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi, 2014) ed. Feridun Emecen
Available via BorrowDirect from Harvard University, Princeton University et al.

Meral, Yasin
“Edirne’de Ilk Yahudi Matbassi: 1554-1556,” [The First Hebrew Printing in Adrianopolis]
Available on line via Google+, Facebook or Twitter.   https://www.academia.edu/19762825/Edirnede_%C4%B0lk_Yahudi_Matbaas%C4%B1_1554-1556_The_First_Hebrew_Printing_in_Adrianopolis_

Meral, Yasin
“Osmanli Istanbul’unda Yahudi Matbaalari,” [Hebrew Printing in Ottoman Istanbul]
Available on line via Google+, Facebook or Twitter.  https://www.academia.edu/10282066/Osmanl%C4%B1_%C4%B0stanbulunda_Yahudi_Matbaalar%C4%B1_Hebrew_Printing_in_Ottoman_Istanbul_

Nassi, Gad, ed.
Jewish journalism and printing houses in the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey
Istanbul : Isis Press, 2001
Katz Center - Stacks. PN5650 .N37 2001
Van Pelt Library. PN5650 .N37 2001

Shapira, Dan D.Y.
“Karaite printing in the Ottoman Empire,” pp. 1-12 in, Printing and publishing in the Middle East : papers from the second Symposium on the History of Printing and Publishing in the Languages and Countries of the Middle East  (Oxford : published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the University of Manchester, 2008) ed. Philip Sadgrove
Katz Center - Stacks. Z464.S957 2005

Shapira, Dan D.Y.
"Osmanli Imparatorlugu'nda Karay Matbaasi," [Karaites Printing in the Ottoman Empire] Toplumsal Tarih 156 (2006) 55-59
Available at Columbia University, but does not circulate.

Simon, Rachel
"The Contribution of Hebrew Printing Houses and Printers in Istanbul to Ladino Culture and Scholarship," Judaica Librarianship 16/17 (2011) 125-135
Katz Center – Periodicals. B2 Z675.J4 A57
Van Pelt Library. Z675.J4 A57

Strahil Gicev,
“Les débuts de l'imprimerie juive dans les Balkans (1494-commencement du XVIe siècle,” III :785-787 in, Actes du premier Congrès International des Etudes balkaniques et Sud-Est Européennes, Sofia 26 août – 1 septembre, 1966 (Sofia :  Editions de l'Acade´mie Bulgare des Sciences, 1967-)
Research Annex (LIBRA).  DR1 .C597 1966a

Tamari, Ittai Joseph
“Jüdische Drucke aus Konstantinopel. Ein Druckort und seine Bedeutung,” pp. 118-127 in, Das gedruckte Buch im vorderen Orient, (Dortmund : Verlag für Orientkunde, 2002) ed. Ulrich Marzolph
Van Pelt Library. Z186.M54 G44 2002

Yaari, Abraham
הדפוס העברי בארצות המזרח = Hebrew printing in the East
Jerusalem :  Hebrew University Press [1936-40]
Katz Center - Reference Room. Z185 .Y2 1936
Katz Center - Stacks. Z185 .Y2 1936
Van Pelt Library. Z185 .Y2

Yaari, Avraham
“Hebrew printing at Izmir,” [Hebrew] Areshet 1 (1959) 97-222
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. Periodiocal
Van Pelt Library. Z228.H4 A74
Yaari, Abraham
הדפוס העברי בקושטא תולדות הדפוס העברי בקושטא מראשיתו עד פרוץ מלחמת העולם השניה ורשימת הספרים שנדפסו בה = Hebrew printing at Constantinople.  Its history and bibliography.  Supplement to Kiryat Sefer, Vol. XLII
Jerusalem : Hotsa?at sefarim ?al shem Y. L. Magnes, ha-Universit?ah ha-?Ivrit, 1967
Katz Center - Reference Room. Z178.C7 Y32 1967
Katz Center - Stacks. Z178.C7 Y32 1967
Van Pelt Library. Z178.C7 Y32 1967