History of the Early Printed Hebrew Book: Variants

This is a guide to the History of the Early Printed Hebrew Book. It was copied with permission from the guide at the University of Pennsylvania, created by Bruce E. Nielsen, and updated for Columbia University by Michelle Chesner


Frankel, Sarah
“Typographical Variations in Hebrew Books,” [Hebrew] Alei Sefer 15 (1988) 141-42
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. Z228.H4 A57
Van Pelt Library Z228.H4 A57

Friedman, Shamma
“Two Early "Unknown" Editions of the Mishna,” [important review article] Jewish Quarterly Review 65 (1974) 115-121
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. DS101 .J48
Research Annex (LIBRA).  DS101 .J48

Haberman, Abraham Meir
“Unintentional and Intentional Typographical Errors,” [Hebrew] Molad 14 (1956/7) 366-69
Katz Center - Periodicals B1.

Haberman, Abraham Meir
“Errors in Manuscripts and Unintentional and Intentional Typographical Errors,” [Hebrew] Hed hadefus 11 (Mar 1957) 59-60
Available at Jewish Theological Seminary Library, New York

Heller, Marvin J.
“Variations in and between Early Hebrew Books,”Gutenberg Jahrbuch (2009) 147-156
[repr. pp. 329-344 in, Further Studies in the Making of the Early Hebrew Book (Leiden: Brill, 2013)
Katz Center - Stacks.
Z228.H4 H442 2013
Van Pelt Library. Z228.H4 H442 2013 ]

Heller, Marvin J.
“Who can discern his errors? Misdates, Errors, and Deceptions, in and about Hebrew Books, Intentional and Otherwise,” Hakirah the Flatbush Journal of Jewish Law and Thought  12 (2011) 269-291 [repr. pp. 395-420 in, Further Studies in the Making of the Early Hebrew Book (Leiden :  Brill, 2013) ed. Marvin J. Heller]

Katz, M.
“The Logic of Typographical Errors (from a Proof- Reader's Notebook),” [Hebrew] Hed hadefus 3/4 (Sept. 1949) 20-1
Available at Jewish Theological Seminary Library, New York. Periodical

Nahum, Yehudah Levi
“Alternate versions on an old printed page of the Rif,” [Hebrew] pp. 45-49 in, חשיפת גנזים מתימן    = Revelation of Ancient Yemenite Treasures (Holon : Mif'al Hasifat Ginzei Teman, 1971) ed. Yehudah Levi Nahum
Katz Center - Stacks. BM495 .N34 1971

Rabinowitz, Dan
“Two Versions of the 1697 Frankfort Edition of the "Shu" t ha-Bach": A Product of Prurient Content?,” [Hebrew] Alei Sefer 21 (2010) 99-111
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. Z228.H4 A57
Van Pelt Library. Z228.H4 A57

Regev, Shaul
“R. Isaac Aderbi's "Divrei Shalom": Between Venice and Warsaw Editions,” [Hebrew] Alei Sefer  23 (2012) 51 – 62
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. Z228.H4 A57
Van Pelt Library. Z228.H4 A57

Rivkind, Isaac
“Some Detailed Observations on Early Hebrew Printing (Deviations and Variations),” [Hebrew] Kiryat Sefer 2 (1924/5) 54-63; 4 (1926/7) 273-280; 10 (1933/4) 489-97
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. Z6367 .K57
Van Pelt Library. Z6367 .K57

Rivkind, Isaac
“Variants in Old Books,” [Hebrew] pp. 401-32 in, Alexander Marx Jubilee Volume on the occasion of his seventieth birthday.  Hebrew Section (New York:  The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1950)
Katz Center - Stacks. BM42.M379 L5432 1950
Van Pelt - Judaica/Ancient Near East Resource Room (401). BM40 .J54 1950

Rodrigue Schwarzwald, Ora
“Lexical Variations in Two Ladino Prayer Books for Women,” pp. 53-86 in, Lexicología y lexicografía judeoespañolas (Bern ; New York : Peter Lang, 2011) edd. Winfried Busse and Michael Studemund-Halévy
Katz Center - Stacks. PC4813 .L49 2011

Shivtiel, Yitshak
“Alternate versions of pages from an old printed Mishnah,” [Hebrew] pp. 38-45 in, חשיפת גנזים מתימן    = Revelation of Ancient Yemenite Treasures (Holon : Mif'al Hasifat Ginzei Teman, 1971) ed. Yehudah Lev?i Nah?um
Katz Center - Stacks. BM495 .N34 1971

Spiegel, Jacob
"Regarding the Bragadin and Justinian Editions of Maimonides' Mishneh Torah," [Hebrew] Kiryat Sefer 47 (1972)493-501
Katz Center – Periodicals Gallery. Z6367 .K57
Van Pelt Library. Z6367 .K57

Yaari, Abraham
“Variant Readings in [unknown printed] Mishna Pesahim,” [Hebrew] Sinai 44 (1959) 237-249
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery.  PERIODICAL

Yudlov, Isaac
“Ashmoret ha-Boker' by R. Aharon Berechia of Modena; A censored and uncensored edition,” [Hebrew] Alei Sefer 10 (1982) 113-17
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery.  Z228.H4 A57
Van Pelt Library. Z228.H4 A57

Yudlov, Isaac
“Different Title Pages to a Book of Commentaries of Rashi from the Constantinople Press,” [Hebrew] Alei Sefer 17 (1992/3) 137-8
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. Z228.H4 A57
Van Pelt Library. Z228.H4 A57

Yudlov, Isaac
“Title-Page variants in some Early Hebrew Books,” [Hebrew] Alei Sefer 11 (1984) 135-48
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. Z228.H4 A57
Van Pelt Library. Z228.H4 A57

Yudlov, Isaac
“Typographical Changes in Hebrew Books,” [Hebrew] Areshet 6 (1980) 95-122
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery.  Periodical
Van Pelt Library. Z228.H4 A74