History of the Early Printed Hebrew Book: Paratextual Elements

This is a guide to the History of the Early Printed Hebrew Book. It was copied with permission from the guide at the University of Pennsylvania, created by Bruce E. Nielsen, and updated for Columbia University by Michelle Chesner

Paratextual Elements

Benayahu, Meir
הסכמה ורשות בדפוסי ויניציאה : הספר העברי מעת הבאתו לדפוס ועד צאתו לאור.
= Copyright, Authorization and Imprimatur for Hebrew Books Printed in Venice: The Hebrew Book from Printing to Publication Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute and Mosad ha-Rav Kook, 1971
Van Pelt Library. Z156 .B43

Berger, Shlomo
“An Invitation to Buy and Read: Paratexts of Yiddish Books in Amsterdam, 1650-1800,” Book History 7 (2004) 31-61
Van Pelt Library.  Z4 .B645

Berger, Shlomo
Producing Redemption in Amsterdam: Early Modern Yiddish Books in Paratextual Perspective
Leiden:  Brill, 2013
Katz Center - Stacks. PJ5124 .B38 2013
Van Pelt Library. PJ5124 .B38 2013

Berger, Shlomo
“A publisher in service of his readers: prefaces to Amsterdam 1711 edition of the Tsene Rene,” pp. 28-37 in, Early Modern Workshop: Resources in Jewish History. EMW 2009: Reading across Cultures:  The Jewish Book and Its Readers in the Early Modern Period

Breger, Jennifer
“Competition in the Hebrew Book Market,” AB Bookman’s Weekly (Feb. 27, 1995) 940-952
Available at many BorrowDirect libraries, but does not circulate

Brilling, Bernhard
“Die Privilegien der hebraischen Buchdruckereien in Altona (1726-1836),” Studies in Bibliography and Booklore 9 (1969-1971) 155-156 and 11 (1976) 41-56
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. PN6067 .S883L
Van Pelt Library. PN6067 .S883

Campanini, Saverio
“Le prefazioni, le dediche, e i colophon di Gershom Soncino,” pp. 31-58 in, L'attività editoriale di Gershom Soncino 1502-1527. Atti del convegno Soncino, 17 settembre 1995 (Soncino (Cremona) : Edizioni dei Soncino, c1997) ed. by Giuliano Tamani
Van Pelt Library. Z232.S69 A88 1997

Cooperman, Bernard Dov
“Amicitia and Hermeticism.  Paratext as Key to Judah Moscato’s Nefușot Yehudah,” pp. 79-104 in, Rabbi Judah Moscato and the Jewish Intellectual World of Mantua in the 16th-17th Centuries (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2012) edd. Giuseppe Veltri and Gianfranco Miletto   
Katz Center - Stacks. BM755.M59 R33 2012
Van Pelt Library. BM755.M59 R33 2012

Fontaine Verwey, Herman de la
“Les debuts de la protection des caracteres typographiques au XVe siecle,” Gutenberg-Jahrbuch (1965) 24-34
Van Pelt Library. Z1008 .G98

Freehof, Solomon Bennett
“Some Autographs on Title Pages of Hebrew Books,” Studies in Bibliography and Booklore 9 (1970) 106-112
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. PN6067 .S883L
Van Pelt Library. PN6067 .S883

Gries, Zeev
“Tradition and Change in the Transition from Manuscript to Print,” [Hebrew] Alei Sefer 24-25 (2015) 17-33
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. Z228.H4 A57
Van Pelt Library Z228.H4 A57

Gries, Zev
“The Hasidic Managing Editor as an Agent of Culture,” pp. 141-155 in, Hasidism Reappraised (London ; Portland, Or. : Vallentine Mitchell, 1996) ed. Ada Rapoport-Albert
Katz Center - Stacks. BM198.3 .H38 1996
Van Pelt Library. BM198.3 .H38 1996

Haberman, Abraham Meir
“Declarations made by authors and printers in order to obtain approbations from the local authority,” [Hebrew] pp. 60-71 in, Essays and Studies in Librarianship Presented to Curt David Wormann  (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, Hebrew University, 1975) edd. Mordekhai Nadav and Jacob Rothschild.
Katz Center - Reference Room. Z674 .E78 1975

Habermann, Abraham Meir, Isaac Rivkind and Abraham Yaari
“Notes on Signatures Found in Hebrew Books II,” Studies in Bibliography and Booklore 1 (1953/4) 77-81
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. PN6067 .S883L
Van Pelt Library. PN6067 .S883

Heller, Marvin J.
“The Eagle Motif in 16th and 17th Century Hebrew Books,” Printing History, n.s. 17 (2015) 16-40
Rare Book & Manuscript Library - Rare Book Collection. Z124.A2 P74
Van Pelt Library. Z124.A2 P755

 Heller, Marvin J.
“Mars and Minerva on the Hebrew Title Page,” pp. 1-17 in, Studies in the making of the early Hebrew Book (Leiden; Boston:  Brill, 2008)
Katz Center - Stacks. Z228.H4 H46 2008
Van Pelt Library. Z228.H4 H46 2008

Heller, Marvin J.
“Mirror-image Monograms as Printers' Devices on Title Pages of Hebrew Books Printed in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries,” pp. 33-43 in, Studies in the making of the early Hebrew Book (Leiden; Boston:  Brill, 2008)
Katz Center - Stacks. Z228.H4 H46 2008
Van Pelt Library. Z228.H4 H46 2008

Heller, Marvin J.
“Often Overlooked:  Examples of Front-matter in Early Hebrew Books,” Quntres (2011) 1-21

Jakimyszyn, Anna
“Jewish Printers’ Marks from Germanic States and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (16th –18th Centuries),” Bulletin der Polnischen Historischen Mission 9 (2014) 199-213

Karp, Abraham J.
“Notes on Signatures Found in Hebrew Books III,” Studies in Bibliography and Booklore 15 (1984) 22-26
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. PN6067 .S883L
Van Pelt Library. PN6067 .S883

Kaufmann, David
"The first approbation of Hebrew books," Jewish Quarterly Review 10 (1898) 383-384
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery DS101 .J48
Research Annex (LIBRA).  DS101 .J48
Available via HathiTrust Digital Library.  http://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015005453132;view=1up;seq=11

Meral, Yasin
“Erken Dönem ibrani Matbaaciliginda Haham Onaylari ve Cemaat Içi Sansür,” [Approbation of the Rabbis in Early Hebrew Printing and Internal Censorship] Dini Araştırmalar 18.47 (2015) 96-118
Also available on line via Google+, Facebook or Twitter.  https://www.academia.edu/19881130/Erken_D%C3%B6nem_%C4%B0brani_Matbaac%C4%B1l%C4%B1%C4%9F%C4%B1nda_Haham_Onaylar%C4%B1_ve_Cemaat_%C4%B0%C3%A7i_Sans%C3%BCr_Approbation_of_the_Rabbis_in_Early_Hebrew_Printing_and_Internal_Censorship_

Meral, Yasin
“Ibrani Matbaaciliginda Telif Haklari: 16-18. Yüzyillar [Copyright in Hebrew Printing: 16th -18th Centuries],” Insan ve Toplum Bilimleri Arastirmalari Dergisi [Journal of the Human and Social Sciences Researches] 5.2 (2016) 298-320

Netanel, Neil Weinstock
“Maharam of Padua v. Giustiniani; the Sixteenth-Century Origins of the Jewish Law of Copyright,” Houston Law Review 44 (2007) 821-70

Offenberg, Adri K.
“How to define printing in Hebrew:  a fifteenth-century list of the goods of a Jewish traveller and his wife,” The Library.  Transactions of the Bibliographical Society, s. 6 16 (1994) 43-49
Van Pelt Library. Z671 .L69

Pollak, Michael
“The Prophetess Deborah and the Invention of Printing,” [concerning the colophon in Arba’a Turim, Piove de Sacco, 1475] Visible Language 7.4 (1973) 345-50
Van Pelt Library. Z119 .J88

Pollak, Michael
“Some Observations on Printing in a Hebrew Text Dated 1612,” Gutenberg-Jahrbuch (1976) 315-325
Van Pelt Library. Z1008 .G98

Rosman, Moshe
“Shlomo Lutzker's Introduction to Magid Devarav Le-Ya'akov,” pp. 38-49 in, Early Modern Workshop: Resources in Jewish History. EMW 2009: Reading across Cultures:  The Jewish Book and Its Readers in the Early Modern Period

Shear, Adam
“The Paratexts of Judah Marcaria: Addressing the (Imagined) Reader in Mid-Sixteenth-Century Italy,” pp. 58-75 in, Early Modern Workshop: Resources in Jewish History. EMW 2009: Reading across Cultures:  The Jewish Book and Its Readers in the Early Modern Period

Sonne, Isaiah and Herbert C. Zafren
“Notes on Signatures Found in Hebrew Books I,” Studies in Bibliography and Booklore 1 (1953/4) 14-20
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. PN6067 .S883L
Van Pelt Library. PN6067 .S883

Weinberg, Bella Hass
“The Earliest Hebrew Citation Indexes,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science (1986-1998) 48 (1997) 318-330

Witcombe, Christopher L.C.E.
Copyright in the Renaissance:  Prints and the Privilegio in Sixteenth-Century Venice and Rome
Leiden:  Brill, 2004
Van Pelt Library. KKH1160 .W58 2004

Yaari, Abraham
דגלי המדפיסים העבריים : מראשית הדפוס העברי ועד סוף המאה התשע-עשרה =  Hebrew printers' marks from the beginning of Hebrew printing to the end of the 19th century
Jerusalem : The Hebrew University Press Association, 1943
Katz Center - Reference Room. Z236.H4 Y2 1943
Katz Center - Stacks. Z236.H4 Y2 1943
Katz Center - Reference Room. Z236.H4 Y2 1971

Yudlov, Isaac
דגלי מדפיסים : חמישים וארבעה סמלי מדפיסים מו״לים ומחברים עבריים = Hebrew printers' marks
Jerusalem : Y. Yudlov, 2001
Katz Center - Reference Room. Z236.H4 Y8 2001
Van Pelt Library. Z236.H4 Y8 2001

Zafren, Herbert C.
“The Value of Face Value,” HUCA 40/41 (1969/70) 555-580
Katz Center - Periodicals Gallery. BM11 .H4
Van Pelt - Judaica/Ancient Near East Resource Room (401). BM11 .H4