History of the Early Printed Hebrew Book: Authorship

This is a guide to the History of the Early Printed Hebrew Book. It was copied with permission from the guide at the University of Pennsylvania, created by Bruce E. Nielsen, and updated for Columbia University by Michelle Chesner


The notion of an ‘author’ is, it might be argued, a relatively recent development. Investigators from various fields have attempted to describe the historical conditions underpinning its construction.

Authorship with Regard to the Hebrew Book

Beit-Arié, Malachi

“The Relationship between Early Hebrew Printing and Handwritten Books:  Attachment or Detachment?,” Scripta Hierosolymitana XXIX (1989) 1-26.
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Campanini, Saverio

“On Abraham's Neck. The Editio Princeps of the Sefer Yetzirah (Mantua 1562) and Its context,” pp. 253 – 278 in, Rabbi Judah Moscato and the Jewish Intellectual World of Mantua in the 16th-17th Centuries (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2012) ed. Giuseppe Veltri and Gianfranco Miletto   
Available digitally with a Columbia ID via EBSCO or physically in CLIO

Chabás, José and Bernard R. Goldstein

"Astronomy in the Iberian Peninsula:  Abraham Zacut and the Transition from Manuscript to Print
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society," n.s. 90.2 (2000)
Available online via JSTOR or physically at in CLIO

Cohen-Skalli, Cedric

“Authorship in the Age of Early Jewish Print:  Isaac Abravanel’s Ma‘aynei ha-Yeshu‘a and the First Printed Edition in Ferrara 1551,” pp. 185-201 in, Tradition, Heterodoxy and Religious Culture:  Judaism and Christianity in the Early Modern Period (Beer-Sheva:  Ben-Gurion University Press, 2006) ed. Chanita Goodblatt and Howard Kreisel 


Cohen-Skalli, Cedric. “Yitshaq Abravanel’s First Edition (Constantinople 1505) Rhetorical Content and Editorial Background,” Hispania Judaica 5 (2007) 153-76

Cooperman, Bernard Dov

“Organizing knowledge for the Jewish market: an editor/printer in sixteenth-century Rome,” pp. 78-129 in, Perspectives on the Hebraic Book: The Myron M. Weinstein Memorial Lectures at the Library of Congress (Washington D.C.:  Library of Congress, 2012) ed. Peggy K. Pearlstein

Available via BorrowDirect from Yale University

De Rossi, Giovanni Bernando; tr. by Marvin J. Heller.

Translation of Dizionario Storico Degli Autori Ebrei E Delle Loro Opere/Dictionary of Hebrew Authors. Lewiston, NY : Edwin Mellen Press, 1999 


Dweck, Yaacob

“Leon Modena's Ari Nohem Between Print and Manuscript,” pp.  50-57 in, Early Modern Workshop: Resources in Jewish History. EMW 2009: Reading across Cultures:  The Jewish Book and Its Readers in the Early Modern Period

Dweck, Yaacob
"Editing Safed: The Career of Isaac Gershon " Jewish Studies Quarterly, Volume 17, Special Issue: Jews in Ottoman Lands (2010) 44-55  


Hacker, Joseph R.
“Authors, Readers and Printers of Sixteenth-Century Hebrew Books in the Ottoman Empire,” pp. 16-63 in, Perspectives on the Hebraic Book: The Myron M. Weinstein Memorial Lectures at the Library of Congress (Washington D.C.:  Library of Congress, 2012) ed. Peggy K. Pearlstein
Available via BorrowDirect from Yale University

Hacker, Joseph R.
“The intellectual activity of the Jews of the Ottoman Empire during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries,” pp. 95-135 in, Jewish thought in the 17th century (Cambridge, Mass : Harvard University Center for Jewish Studies : Distributed by Harvard University Press, 1987) ed. Isadore Twersky and Bernard Septimus


Idel, Moshe
“Printing Kabbalah in Sixteenth-Century Italy,” pp. 85-96 in, Jewish Culture in Early Modern Europe : Essays in honor of David B. Ruderman (Pittsburgh, PA : University of Pittsburgh Press; Cincinnati, OH : Hebrew Union College Press, 2014) ed.  Richard I. Cohen, Natalie B. Dohrmann, Adam Shear, and Elchanan Reiner


Idel, Moshe
“From R. Isaac Sagi Nahor and R. Isaac Luria:  From Hiding to Printing an Esoteric Lore,” Studia Judaica 21 (2014) 5- 40 


Maier, Johann
"Il 'Sefer Hasidim.'  Il manoscritto parmense 3280 e l'edizione di Bologna, 1538 - osservazioni critiche," pp. 129-136 in, Manoscritti, frammenti e libri ebraici nell'Italia dei secoli XV-XVI : Atti del VII congresso internazionale dell'AISG, S. Miniato, 7-8-9 novembre 1988 (Rome :  Carucci, 1991) ed. Giuliano Tamani and Angelo Vivian

Okun, Yael
“The relations between manuscript and prints in the Library of Ish Ger [Abraham Joseph Solomon ben Mordecai Graziano],” [Hebrew] Asufot 10 (1997) 267-285

Perani, Mauro
"La Bibbia ebraica Soncino di Brescia del 1494.  Un Esempio di continuita fra Manoscritto e Incunabolo," pp. 141-170 in, Gli ebrei a Castel Goffredo: con uno studio sulla Bibbia Soncino di Brescia del 1494 (Firenze :  Casa Editrice Giuntina, 1998) ed. Mauro Perani
Available via BorrowDirect from Harvard University, Brown University et al.

Regev, Shaul
“The Study, Writing and Printing of Philosophical Books in the Sixteenth Century,” [Hebrew] Pe’amim 97 (2003) 81-105

Reiner, Elchanan
“The Ashkenazi Elite at the Beginning of the Modern Era - Manuscript Versus Printed Book,” Polin : Studies in Polish Jewry 10 (1997) 85-98


Stow, Kenneth R.
“Writing in Hebrew, Thinking in Italian,” pp. 1-15 in, Jewish Life in Early Modern Rome: Challenge, Conversion, and Private Life (Aldershot, ; Burlington, VT: Ashgate,Variorum, 2007) ed. Kenneth R. Stow


Tamani, Giuliano
"Dal libro manoscitto al libro stampato," pp. 9-27 in, Manoscritti, frammenti e libri ebraici nell'Italia dei secoli XV-XVI : Atti del VII congresso internazionale dell'AISG, S. Miniato, 7-8-9 novembre 1988 (Rome :  Carucci, 1991) edd. Giuliano Tamani and Angelo Vivian

Timm, Erika
“Wie Elia Levita sein Bovobuch für den Druck über-arbeitete. Ein Kapitel aus der italo-jiddischen Literatur der Renaissancezeit,” Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift 41 (1991)  61-81