"Index of journals (1969-1990) covering cultural, economic, political & social change.""Comprehensive guide to alternative sources of information published from 1969-1990. Coverage is international and interdisciplinary. Indexes alternative, radical and left periodicals, newspapers and magazines. Provides alternative viewpoints on internationally significant subjects"--Information page.
Covers journal and magazine titles for film and television reviews, scholarly and critical analysis of cinema and television, and articles of popular interest about film and television. About half the journals and magazines are film periodicals and the other half cover film and television with some regularity. Subject coverage includes film & television theory, preservation & restoration, writing, production, cinematography, technical aspects, and reviews.
Film & television literature index with full text .
Humanities full text brings full text (starting 1995) plus abstracts and bibliographic indexes (starting 1984) of noted scholarly sources in the humanities, as well as lesser known specialized magazines. The database indexes, abstracts and delivers the full text of feature articles, interviews, obituaries, bibliographies, original works of fiction, drama, and poetry, book reviews, and reviews of ballets, dance programs, motion pictures, musicals, operas, plays, radio and television programs.
International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with Full Text contains all of the content available in International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance as well as full text for 100 titles, including Canadian Theatre Review, Dance Chronicle, Dance Teacher, Modern Drama, PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art, Research in Dance Education, Research in Drama Education, Studies in Theatre and Performance, TDR: The Drama Review, Theater, and many more. Additional full text available includes more than 50 books & monographs.
OpinionArchives provides electronic archives for journals of opinion, including The Nation, Commentary, The New Republic, Commonweal, Dissent, NACLA, American spectator, National review, Harper's magazine, New York review, and the New Yorker. The OpinionArchives metasearch tool provides cross-journal searching for all titles in the archive.
This resource includes citations and full text articles in academic & professional disciplines, e.g., business, economics, gender studies, health, literature, management, political science; as well as news and general interest items. Search multiple databases simultaneously or select individually from among ABI/INFORM (business); Accounting & tax; the American Medical Association; Dissertations; Ethnic NewsWatch, GenderWatch, Research Library, or major current and historical US newspapers (including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Boston Globe, LA Times, etc).
Abstracts of articles from popular periodicals published in the U.S. and Canada. Includes current events and news, fine art, fashion, education, business, sports, health and nutrition, consumer affairs, and more.Readers' Guide Full Text is a database containing comprehensive indexing and abstracting of the most popular general-interest periodicals published in the United States and Canada, plus the full text of selected periodicals. Indexes begin with 1983, abstracts in 1984, and full text in 1994.
"Readers' guide retrospective, produced by The H.W. Wilson Company, is a database containing comprehensive indexing of the most popular general-interest periodicals published in the United States and reflects the history of 20th century America. The complete database covers the years 1890 through 1982. This Phase One coverage includes the years 1969 through 1982."
A comprehensive survey of current publications related to film scholarship alongside detailed and expansive filmographies. This collection includes the specialist index FIAF International Index to Film Periodicals Database and the detailed and complementary filmographies created by the American Film Institute and the British Film Institute; AFI Catalog and Film Index International.