Getting Started: Add & Edit Boxes

LibGuides instructions and help for the staff of Columbia University Libraries.

Different Types of Boxes

Add & Edit Boxes

Click to learn more about each type of box:

1. Gallery Boxes 

2. Tabbed Boxes

3. Profile Boxes (no longer used)

4. Standard Boxes

Copying Boxes

To learn about copying boxes, see the "Reuse Content" page.

Editing Boxes

Want to edit an existing box?

  • To change the box title, click on the pencil icon in the top right of the box's title bar.
  • To edit existing content, click on the pencil icon at the bottom right of that section of content.
  • To add more content (or reorder content sections), click on the "Add/Reorder" button at the bottom left of the box.

About Box Types

LibGuides 1 had lots of different box types, depending on what content you wanted to use. LibGuides 2 has just 4 kinds of boxes.

To learn more about each type of box, click its name at the left.

We're no longer using LibGuides' built-in Profile Boxes.
Instead, we're using Librarian and Library Boxes with the "People and Location Entry" system in Adobe CQ/AEM.

LibGuides Box Types

Tabbed Box         


Gallery Box          Standard Box
screenshot          screenshot