Getting Started: Adding Databases

LibGuides instructions and help for the staff of Columbia University Libraries.

Adding Databases

It's important to add databases using the "Database" option, NOT by linking to them in the "Rich Text/HTML."

"Database" links:

  • Track usage statistics
  • Automatically update with the correct proxy link

Links in "Rich Text/HTML" are not automatically updated, and user clicks are not tracked.

Database Link Tips

You don't have to enter that database name and proxy link--they're already imported into LibGuides 2!

When you want to add a database link, simply choose the "database" content item option.

Then start typing the name of the database--when you've typed 3 or more letters, a list of suggested databases will pop up:

You have the option of including descriptive text about the database, and displaying it below the link, on mouseover, or hovering on an "info" icon. Here are examples of each: