To learn about copying boxes, see the "Reuse Content" page.
Want to move a box from the bottom of the column to the top? Or want to move it to a different column altogether?
Need the code for your library location metadata? Look below.
Columbia University Morningside Campus, cu-morningside
Columbia University Libraries / Information Services, culis
African Studies, african-studies
Art Properties, art-properties
Avery Library, avery
Avery Classics Collection, avery-classics
Avery Drawings & Archives, avery-drawings-archives
Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, avery-index
Barnard College Library, barnard
Barnard Center for Research on Women, barnard-bcrw
Borrow Direct Office, borrow-direct
The Burke Theological Library, burke
Business & Economics Library, business
Butler Library Circulation, butler-circulation
Butler Library, butler
Butler Library Reference Services, butler-reference
Butler Reserves, butler-reserves
Butler Media Services, media-services
Center for Digital Research and Scholarship, cdrs
Center for Human Rights Documentation & Research, chrdr
Center for Teaching and Learning, ctl
Columbia Center for Oral History, ccoh
Columbia University Archives, cuarchives
Communications, communications
Copyright Advisory Office, copyright
Digital Humanities Center, dhc
Document Delivery, document-delivery
Digital Science Center, dsc
Digital Social Science Center, dssc
East Asian Library (Starr), eastasian
Geology Library, geology
Global Studies, global-studies
Health Sciences Library, health-sciences
Interlibrary Loan Office, ill
Jewish Studies, jewish-studies
Jewish Theological Seminary, jts
Journalism Library, journalism
Law Library, law
Latin American & Iberian Studies, latinamerican-studies
Lehman Social Sciences Library, lehman
Lehman Library Map Collection, lehman-maps
Library Information Office, lio
Mathematics Library, math
Middle East & Islamic Studies, mideast-studies
Music & Arts Library, music
NY Orthopaedic Hospital Library, cumc-orthopaedic
NYS Psychiatric Institute Library, nyspi
Off-site Library Shelving Facility (Re-CAP), off-site
Office of the ReCAP Coordinator, recap-office
Periodicals & Microforms Reading Room, pmrr
Rare Book & Manuscript Library, rbml
Russian, Eurasian, & East European Studies, slavic-studies
Science & Engineering Library, science-engineering
Social Work Library, social-work
South & Southeast Asian Studies, southasia-studies
Teacher's College Library, teachers-college
Undergraduate Library Services, undergraduate
U.S. Government Documents, usgd
Web Archives, web-archives
Does your division have a group identity? Look below.
Avery, avery-group
Burke, burke-group
Science, sci-eng-group
Watson, watson-group
At the left is an example of a "people entry" or "librarian" box (formerly, a profile box).
Below that is a "location entry" or "library" box.
These boxes contain descriptive information about who you are, what you do, and how to contact you. NOTE: These boxes will appear BLANK in your "edit" view. To preview how they look to users, click on the eye icon at top right.
Collaborating on a guide with someone? Want to recommend a subject expert for a specific class?
You can add a second (or third, etc.) librarian (or group) to your guide!
To add these boxes, you first have to edit your guide's metadata! When you're in a guide, click on the gear icon at the top left, and select "Guide Metadata."
Add your information to this metadata (see image below):
Now, add the appropriate library information to this metadata (see image below):
Now you're ready to add the "Librarian" and "Library" Boxes to your page!
This announces who you are to the user. It tells people why they should care. By default, this box is titled "Librarian." The title should:
Another option is to use the title to tell the user why you're there, by titling it "Need Help?" or "Get Help!" However, if you use this approach, consider how you can tell the reader your position/specialty (add to your display name, etc.).
Your default information (name, photo, office location, email, and phone number) should already be entered into CQ/AEM (the software for the main library website). If you want any changes made (such as adding social media accounts), just email the helpdesk <>. Any changes you make will automatically update not only in LibGuides, but across the entire library website, wherever this profile is used.
Need some help? Just want a photo added? Just email the helpdesk <> with the photo attached, or let them know to use your Columbia/marketing photo from Allison Morrow.
Your location's default information (name, photo, location, map link, hours) is already entered into CQ/AEM. If you want any changes made, a designated person in your division will be able to do so, or you may ask LDPD for updates <>. Any changes you make will automatically update not only in LibGuides, but across the entire library website, wherever this location information is used.