To learn about copying boxes, see the "Reuse Content" page.
Want to edit an existing box?
Want to move a box from the bottom of the column to the top? Or want to move it to a different column altogether?
What kind of content fits in a standard box? Almost anything!
All the boxes on this page were created using this box type--they're very flexible.
To the left is the "Add / Reorder" menu for adding content to a standard box.
As you can see, there are lots of options for the types of content you can put in this sort of box. Some of these are discussed on later pages in this guide: adding images, video, RSS feeds, and widgets.
This is one of the most important content types! This is the content type that auto-fills in the database name, automatically provides the correct proxy link, and tracks user clicks. This is the preferred method of adding database links in guides.
This allows you to add links to websites. You can add descriptions similar to how you do for databases, and the content type is formatted similarly, so that you can include BOTH links and databases in a single bulleted list.
Document / File
Need to add a PDF or other file? This is the content type to use.
Book From the Catalog
You can add a book (complete with cover illustration and description!) to your guide. All you need is the ISBN, which you can get either from CLIO, OCLC's WorldCat, or Once you enter the ISBN, LibGuides will search for the book and usually can automatically retrieve the cover image, title, and description. You can edit the description as you like--often they need to be shortened. You can also manually add the call number. You are free to delete information that you don't want to show, such as the ISBN or perhaps year of publication.