Columbia University Archives
Rare Book & Manuscript Library
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The Barnard Archives and Special Collections serves as the final repository for the historical records of Barnard College, from its founding in 1889 to the present day. For more information, please contact
Health Sciences Library
The Archives and Special Collections at the Augustus C. Long Health Sciences Library of Columbia University can help you find information about the schools of the Medical Center: College of Physicians & Surgeons, School of Nursing, College of Dental Medicine (formerly the School of Dental & Oral Surgery), Mailman School of Public Health, and the College of Pharmaceutical Sciences. For more information, please contact
What if the University and the Columbia Spectator had used Twitter to report on the protests and rallies of 1968 in real time? To commemorate the student-led protests at Columbia in 1968, the University Archives retold the events through modern social media during the spring semester of 2018. @1968CU on Twitter describes the events that culminated in the explosive demonstrations in April and May with "live" reporting of this significant moment in Columbia University history.
To start of your research into the Columbia crisis of 1968, visit the online exhibition 1968: Columbia in Crisis. Here you will find documents, photographs and even audio of the events in context.
About the exhibition: The occupation of five buildings in April 1968 marked a sea change in the relationships among Columbia University administration, its faculty, its student body, and its neighbors. Featuring documents, photographs, and audio from the University Archives, 1968: Columbia in Crisis examines the the causes, actions, and aftermath of a protest that captivated the campus, the nation, and the world.
You can search the issues of the student newspaper, either by date or by keyword, by visiting the Columbia Spectator Digital Archive. In addition, a compilation of the issues released during the crisis is also available online: Crisis at Columbia: an inside report on the rebellion at Columbia from the pages of the Columbia Daily Spectator. This edition includes issues no. 101-113, vol. CXII, of the Columbia Daily Spectator, April 24-May 8, 1968, and Connection, a magazine supplement, no. 2, May 10, 1968.
The alumni magazine published a special issue on the "Six Weeks that Shook Morningside" for their delayed Spring 1968 issue. The editors collected documents and photographs and tried "to be more reasonable, comprehensive, and non-partisan than most."
Archival collections are non-circulating and can only be viewed in the Rare Book & Manuscript Library's reading room (RBML). In order to use the University Archives collections at the RBML, you will be required to register your own Special Collections Research Account before your visit and to validate the account in person with government-issued photo identification or Columbia ID card. Once you have created your Special Collections Research Account, you will be able to schedule an appointment and request materials directly from the finding aid.
If you have any questions about how to find materials or how to access materials, please contact
Archival collections are non-circulating and can only be viewed in the Rare Book & Manuscript Library's reading room (RBML). In order to use the University Archives collections at the RBML, you will be required to register your own Special Collections Research Account before your visit and to validate the account in person with government-issued photo identification or Columbia ID card. Once you have created your Special Collections Research Account, you will be able to schedule an appointment and request materials directly from the finding aid.
Cox Commission records, 1957-1971
The Fact Finding Commission was composed of five members and chaired by Harvard law professor Archibald Cox. The Cox Commission was given the mandate to establish a chronology of events leading up to and including the Columbia crisis, and to inquire into the underlying causes of those events. The Commission held twenty-one days of hearings during May 1968, heard testimony from seventy-nine witnesses, and compiled 3,790 pages of transcript. The report, published in a paperback edition on September 26, 1968, stressed the lack of effective channels of communication between administration, faculty, and students, and endorsed implicitly the Executive Committee's idea for a representative University Senate. This collection consists of the audio-tapes, unorganized and uncorrected transcripts, and the final transcripts of the testimony from the hearings held from May 7 to July 25, 1968. (There is an index to the testimony books.) There are also the general exhibits used in the hearings and a collection of printed materials (newspapers and magazines) covering the events of 1968.
Joanne Grant research files, 1963-1968
This collection is a repository of Joanne Grant's research materials for her 1969 book Confrontation on Campus: The Columbia Pattern for the New Protest. The collection contains both Grant's notes taken throughout the Columbia revolt, as well as collected research materials. These materials consist of Strike Coordinating Committee fliers, agendas, leaflets and official statements. In addition, the collection includes the responses of faculty, administration and community members to the strike. The collection also contains materials from the Independent Committee on Vietnam at Columbia University, student protest files against Columbia's involvement in the war.
Temple-Lilley Special Committee records, 1968-1971
After the Columbia University student protests of April and May 1968, the Board of Trustees appointed a six-member Special Committee to study the structure of the university and recommend changes. The Committee met often during the next year, and examined and produced proposals for changes, such as the establishment of a University Senate. This collection includes memoranda, statements and reports from individual members of the University community as well as various working groups and committee among the faculty, students, alumni, and outside consultants. There are published reports of reform proposals at other universities, clippings from the student newspaper, the Columbia Spectator, and correspondence to and from members of the Special Committee and other University officials.
William E. Petersen papers, July-August 1968
This collection is comprised of papers collected by William E. Petersen, then Chair of the Board of Trustees (1968-1978) recording his role in choosing a new president for Columbia University following the Columbia Disturbances of 1968. The collection is comprised of one notebook, personal documents, writings, and correspondence. Most items are from the summer of 1968, following the Columbia disturbances.
Warner R. Schilling papers, 1958-1975
Warner R. Schilling was an American political scientist and international relations scholar at Columbia University. This small collection includes materials from 1967, when Schilling served in the Committee on Recruitment which considered the question of outside agencies (including the military) recruiting on campus, one of the issues which led to the student strike. As the protests broke out, Schilling also collected flyers, statements, and other materials released by students, faculty and the administration.
Columbia Crisis of 1968 project : oral history, 1968
In this series of interviews, almost all conducted on the Columbia University campus in May, 1968, participants and observers--student activists (conservative, independent, and radical), junior and senior faculty, administrators, supporting staff, and parents--describe and discuss the many phases of the crisis that resulted in the occupation of five Columbia buildings by students April 23 and 24, the suspension of classes, fruitless negotiations, police intervention on April 30, a campus wide strike, a lesser eruption May 21-22, and the eventual restructuring of the University. Factors behind the crisis are examined and weighed in tones ranging from analytical detachment to passionate concern.
Digital content for this collection (audio recordings and transcripts) was processed by Oral History staff between 2019-2021. You can see collection materials in the Digital Library Collections (DLC). As with all Oral History Archives materials, DLC publication status varies on an interview by interview basis. Many of these interview will be accessible remotely with a Columbia UNI login and some will accessible without a Columbia UNI login.
Police on Campus collection, 1968
Eyewitness statements, statistical summaries, correspondence, and miscellaneous materials pertaining to the publication of Police on Campus. The work is an account of the riots at Columbia University in 1968, written by Michael A. Baker, Bradley R. Brewery, Raymond DeBuse, Sally T. Hillsman, Murray Milner, and David V. Soeiro.
If you have any questions about how to find materials or how to access materials, please contact
Top - "No Gym" protest, June 4, 1968. (Scan #0393). Protest and Activism Photographs, Office of Public Affairs Photograph Collection. University Archives, Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Columbia University Libraries.
Right - Faculty with armbands in front of Low Library. (Scan #1974). Protest and Activism Photographs, Office of Public Affairs Photograph Collection. University Archives, Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Columbia University Libraries.