BYTES of the Big Apple is NYC Planning’s family of software, data, and geographic base map files. Includes PLUTO, the downloadable file of every tax lot in the city (and MapPLUTO, its GIS counterpart).
Search property records and view documents (such as deeds and mortgages) for properties in Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, and Brooklyn from 1966 to the present. (The Richmond County Clerk holds information on properties in Staten Island.) Click "Search Property Records" to start; to search by address, go back to the "Find Addresses and Parcels" option and lookup the Borough/Block/Lot or BBL first.
Online query system for building information from the Department of Buildings. Search for any property in the city to find complaints and violations, certificates of occupancy, permits, actions, applications, and inspections. Click "A: Building Information Search" to start. Note: DOB NOW will eventually replace BIS but both systems are currently used; more information overall is available in BIS but newer jobs, filings, and applications will be in DOB NOW.
DOB NOW is the Department of Building's online platform for permits, violations, inspections, and more. Note: DOB NOW will eventually replace BIS but both systems are currently used; more information overall is available in BIS but newer jobs, filings, and applications will be in DOB NOW.
The Department of Finance’s list of properties that sold in the last 12-month period in New York City for tax class 1, 2, and 4. (See the Glossary for a list of the four tax classes.)
Up-to-date housing and neighborhoods data hub produced by the NYU Furman Center, including property-level housing subsidy information and neighborhood conditions.
Interactive tool from ANHD to understand housing, emphasizing where homeowners and tenants are at risk for displacement. Pulls info from ACRIS, BIS, and more.
Up-to-date neighborhood demographics, housing market data, and more produced by the Furman Center, a real estate center based at NYU. Neighborhoods are determined by community districts.
A citywide survey of housing stock and population conducted about every three years by the U.S. Census Bureau on behalf of the City. Includes detailed data and reports from 1991-2021 and initial finds for 2023.
Interactive tool from NYC Planning using decennial census and American Community Survey (ACS) data to provide statistics on population, demographics, economic factors, and more by local geographies such as neighborhood and community district. Data can be aggregated by Borough, Community District, City Council District, and other geographies. Tip: Use the "Data Source" and "Select Topics" menus to find additional data.
A free tool produced by the nonprofit JustFix and housing advocates to research individual buildings, including violations and property ownership. Created in part to address the use of Limited Liability Corporations (LLCs, AKA shell companies) by many landlords. Uses data from HPD, DOB, ACRIS, and other sources; read their Methodology for a full list.
Mapped land use applications and project tracking from NYC Planning. Use the filter options under the map. Individual projects have extensive lists of public documents.
Information on individuals and families in shelters, from the Department of Homeless Services. See the “Daily Report” for daily statistics and “Data Dashboard” for more.