Microfilm available at CRL and
other institutions.
pt. 1. Society for Promoting Female Education (FES) in China, India and the East, 1834-1899 --
pt. 2. India's women and China's daughters, 1880-1939 and Looking east at India's women and China's daughters, 1940-1957 --
pt. 3. Homes of the east, 1910-1948 (including Torchbearer from 1914), Daybreak, 1889, 1893-1894 and 1906-1909, and The Indian female evangelist, 1872-1880. 1896; Preaching and healing, 1900-1906 --
pt. 4. The Indian female evangelist, 1881-1893, continued as The Zenana: or, Woman's work in India, 1893-1935, continued as The Zenana: Women's work in India and Pakistan, 1936-1956 from Interserve, London --
pt. 5. Minutes of the Zenana, Bible and Medical Mission, 1865-1937 and the Annual reports of the Indian Female Normal School and Instruction Society, 1863-1879 from Interserve, London.