Education in Africa: Home

By Nazma M. Ali and Yuusuf Caruso

Education in Africa

This guide highlights publications and research tools on the study of African education, with a supplementary section on African immigrants and education in the United States. Resources listed here are primarily for readers with library borrowing privileges at Columbia University. The guide also includes links to open access databases, repositories, finding aids, citation management tools, journal articles, dissertations, and research reports.

The focus is on educational research in Africa ***published in English***, although many of the texts cited are comparative and interdisciplinary, and the recommended tools link to sources in French, Portuguese, and other languages. We recommend the use of a variety of formats and types of sources.

For more about African studies research at Columbia, see: African Studies

Private school computer lab, Accra, Ghana


General Guides on Africa and Education

Educational Research Tools

General Library Tools & Services

African Studies Librarian

Profile Photo
Yuusuf Caruso
Columbia University
309 Lehman Library
Global Studies
420 West 118th Street
New York, NY 10027 USA