Area Handbook series [historical]. Prepared by the Library of Congress and sponsored by the US Dept. of the Army. (Washington)
For the handbook of a country, search in CLIO: use country name and "area handbook".
For available online handbooks on Africa, see section on US Dept. of the Army in "US Organizations on Africa," compiled by Columbia University Libraries.
Dictionary of African biography. 6 vols. Emmanuel K. Akyeampong and Henry Louis Gates, Jr., editors in chief. (Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2012)
---For a dictionary of one country, search in CLIO, with "All fields" in "Advanced Search", and use [current name of country] and "historical dictionary".
Islam in Africa (1974-2024). Compiled by Paul Schrijver and updated by ASCL Library. (Leiden, The Netherlands: Afrikastudiecentrum = African Studies Centre, University of Leiden, 2018) --via AfricaBib.Org
New encyclopedia of Africa, 5 v. Editor in chief, John Middleton; editor, Joseph C. Miller. Detroit: Thomson/Gale, c2008. --See also: E-book
Oxford African American studies center. (New York : Oxford University Press, 2006-)
Includes over 7500 reference articles, selected primary sources, images, maps, charts and tables, and over 6000 biographies.
Africa-Wide Information. via EBSCO (Baltimore, Maryland: National Information Services Corporation, 1997--) Combine with America: History and Life Historical Abstracts ; MLA International ; Social Sciences Full Text ; and, Race Relations Abstracts