Tibetan Sacred Space Research Guide: Tibetan Sacred Space and Modernity

David Germano, “Re-membering the dismembered body of Tibet: The contemporary Terma movement in the PRC,” in Buddhism in Contemporary Tibet: Religious Revival and Cultural Identity, edited by Melvyn Goldstein and Matthew Kapstein (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998), 53-94. 

Gyatso, Gonkar. "No Man's Land: Real and Imaginary Tibet: The Experience of an Exiled Tibetan Artist." The Tibet Journal 28, no. 1/2 (2003): 147-60. 

Robert Barnett, Lhasa: Streets with Memories (New York: Columbia UP, 
2006), 1-2, 61-83, 123-27. e-book ; print edition

Cabezón, José Ignacio. "State control of Tibetan Buddhist monasticism in the People's Republic of China." In Chinese religiosities : afflictions of modernity and state formation. 2008

Qian, Junxi, Zhu, Hong. "Writing Tibet as Han Chinese sojourners: the discourses, practices and politics of place in an era of rapid development," The Geographical Journal, 12/2016, ISSN: 0016-7398, Volume 182, Issue 4, p. 418.  Journal Article: Full Text Available

Shepherd, Robert; Yu, Larry, and Gu Huimin, "Tourism, heritage, and sacred space: Wutai Shan, China," Journal of Heritage Tourism Vol. 7, Iss. 2, 2012: 145-161. https://doi.org/10.1080/1743873X.2011.637630

David Abramson and Elyor Karimov. “Sacred Sites, Profane Ideologies: Religious Pilgrimage and the Uzbek State.” In Everyday Life in Central Asia Past and Present. Edited by Jeff Sahadeo and Russell Zanca. Indiana University Press, 2007, pp. 319-338. For comparative purposes.

RamaswamySumathiThe Goddess and the Nation: Mapping Mother India.  For comparative purposes.