Titles marked with an asterisk (*) below include primary sources in English translation (or Chinese if noted.)
Huber, Toni. “Tibetan Pilgrimage: Concepts and Practice,” chap. 2 in The Cult of the Pure Crystal Mountain (New York and Oxford: Oxford UP, 1999), 10-20.
Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo (1820-1892)
* Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo's Guide to central Tibet = Dbus gtsang gnas yig, trans. by Matthew Akester. Chicago: Serindia Publications, 2016.
Bla-ma btsan-po, (? - 1839)
* The geography of Tibet according to the 'dZam-gling-rGyas-bShad. Roma : Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1962. In English.
Kaḥ-thog Si-tu Chos-kyi-rgya-mtsho (1880-1925)
An account of a pilgrimage to Central Tibet during the years 1918 to 1920 : being the text of Gangs ljongs dbus gtsang gnas bskor lam yig nor bu zla shel gyi se mo do. In Tibetan, preface in English.
* Rgya-maʼi gnas yig = 松赞干布故居游 = The travelleis [sic] introduction of Gyama. Describes pilgrimage sites in this valley, originally called Sgon brgya ma and attributed as the birthplace of Songtsen Gampo. This may be a modern guidebook. In Tibetan, English and Chinese (partly).
SERIES: Bod-ljongs gnas mchog . This series contains at least 16 volumes, each covering a different pilgrimage site in the Tibet Autonomous Region. In Tibetan.
* Bu-ston Rin-chen-grub (1290-1364). The history of Buddhism in India and Tibet; trans by Obermiller. 1986 (2nd edition). English translation originally published: Heidelberg, 1932. In English and Tibetan. This will have some references to sacred sites.
* Gedun Chopel (1903-1951). The guide to India : a Tibetan account. Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 2000.
Calculs pour l'ouverture de la bouche de la terre: étude du temps, géomancie et art divinatoire au Ladakh, by Pascale Dollfus. In Modern Ladakh : Anthropological Perspectives on Continuity and Change, ed. by Martijn van Beek, Fernanda Pirie. pp 119-138; 20
* Kaḥ-thog Si-tu Chos-kyi-rgya-mtsho (1880-1925). Bal yul mchod rten rnam gsum la ñams gsoʾi sri źu mdzad tshul : an account of Rtogs-ldan Śākya-śrī's restorations of the three great Buddhist stupas of the Kathmandu Valley Gangtok : Sherab Gyaltsen, 1983.
* Huber, Toni. "Guidebook to Lapchi." In Religions of Tibet, ed. by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. Princeton University Press, 1997, p. 120-134. Translation and introduction to text on "the snowy enclave of nomadic Lapchi" -- a mountainous alpine area in eastern Nepal on the Tibetan border. In English, translated from Tibetan, with introductions.
* Kapstein, Matthew. "The Guide to the Crystal Peak." In Religions of Tibet, ed. by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. Princeton University Press, 1997, p. 103-119.Translation and introduction to text about a mountainous alpine area in western Nepal. In English, translated from Tibetan, with introductions.
Buffetrille, Katia. "Low tricks and high stakes surrounding a holy place in eastern Nepal: the Halesi-Māratika caves" .