Tibetan Sacred Space Research Guide: Lakes and River Valleys

Lakes and River Valleys: Tibetan Plateau

Basong cuo = The Lake Baksum Tso = Brag-gsum mtsho

In Chinese and English

Guidebook to Lake Draksumtso, located in Tsongo Village (Tib. Mtsho-ʼgo), Kongpo Gyamda County (Koṅ-po), Nyingtri Prefecture (Ñiṅ-khri ; Ch. Linzhi), Tibet Autonomous Region, as well as descriptions of local villages, pilgrimage sites, and tourist attractions.

Toni Huber and Tsepak Rigzin (trans., “A Tibetan Guide for Pilgrimage to Ti-se (Mount Kailash) and mTsho Ma-pham (Lake Manasarovar),” in Sacred Spaces and Powerful Places in Tibetan Culture, ed. Toni Huber, 125-51. 

Mtsho-sngon-po'i gnas yig =青海湖旅游指南= Guide-book of Qinghai Lake

Descriptions of the geographic features, monasteries, and pilgrimage sites associated with Qinghai Lake or Lake Kokonor (Tib. Mtsho-sngon-po).

In Tibetan, Chinese and English.

DS793.T7 M776 2002


"The Yogin Lorepa's retreat at Lake Namtso." In Religions of Tibet, ed. by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. Princeton University Press, 1997, p. 200-211.

Translation and introduction to text about one of the largest bodies of water in Tibet.

In English, translated from Tibetan, with introductions.
