Quintman, Andrew. "Toward a Geographic Biography: Mi La Ras Pa in the Tibetan Landscape." Numen 55, no. 4 (2008): 363-410.
Gtsaṅ-smyon He-ru-ka, and Andrew Quintman (trans). 2011. The life of Milarepa. London: Penguin. Selections.
Źabs-dkar Tshogs-drug-raṅ-grol, Matthieu Ricard, Constance Wilkinson, and Michal Abrams. 2001. The life of Shabkar: the autobiography of a Tibetan yogin. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications.
Lotsawa Sonam Gyatso, 1424-1482. Life and travels of Lo-chen Bsod-nams Rgya-mtsho / Franz-Karl Ehrhard. In English, translated from Tibetan. May have references to sacred sites?
Kramer, Ralf, 1971-. The great Tibetan translator : life and works of rNgog Blo ldan shes rab (1059-1109). München : Indus Verlag, 2007.180 p. : ill., facsims. ; 24 cm. Series: Collectanea Himalayica : studies on the history and culture of the Himalayas and Tibet ; v. 1. Includes: English translations of selections from Blo-gros-ʼbyuṅ-gnas, Gro-luṅ-pa, active 11th century-12th century. ʼJig-rten Mig-gcig Blo-ldan-śes-rab kyi rnam thar. In English and Tibetan. possible source? ISBN: 9783940659002.
Tibetan Songs of Realization : Echoes from a Seventeenth-Century Scholar and Siddha in Amdo / Victoria Sujata
See particularly: chapter 2, songs about solitary hermitages
The hundred thousand songs of Milarepa : a new translation / Tsangnyön Heruka; translated under the guidance of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, by Christopher Stagg. Boulder : Shambhala, 2016.
In English, translated from Tibetan. See Table of Contents which lists songs, many referring to sacred sites.
https://clio.columbia.edu/catalog/13040187 *The Starr Library has rush-ordered this. Please request via Borrow Direct in the meantime.
Ramble, Charles. “The Victory song of Porong,” in Territory and Identity in Tibet and the Himalayas. Brill, 2002
Looks at how songs constitue a cultural form of mediation between the singers and their landscape and territorial identity on the other, in Ngari (western Tibet). A mandala representation of landscape through ritual song and dance. Not a strong emphasis on the sacred or religious, but still similar themes and motifs...
Minor Tibetan texts, I. The song of the Eastern snow-mountain.
Calcutta, Asiatic society, 1919.
Tibetan Songs from Dingri [near Mt. Everest]
In English, with Tibetan original.