Services & Tools / For Students
A page that allows you to navigate to many core services and resource guides
Subject Specialist Librarians – Listed by Subject
At Columbia Libraries, you have access to Subject Specialist Librarians with expertise in every region of the globe and in a variety of disciplines and subject areas. Please feel free to contact any of us directly through email addresses listed on this Subject Specialist Librarians page. We are available to answer your questions and/or to schedule consultations with you on Zoom or by phone. Based on the nature of your research, you may find it appropriate to contact more than one Subject Specialist.
Ask a Librarian
A landing page with links to and descriptions of various ways that you can ask librarians for assistance.
CLIO (Quicksearch)
Quicksearch performs a combined search of: our Catalog, our Libraries Website, and selected other key information modules.
The Libraries have Research Guides available for many subjects and for many global areas.
Our Rare Book & Manuscript Library may well contain collections relevant to your research. Please take a look at their Web page, and search their Archival Collections Portal.