► Bloomberg [Available in Business & Lehman Library ]
Bloomberg covers more than 11,000 companies with ESG data and more than 7,500 companies with executive compensation data in 65 countries. ESG data is fully integrated with all of Bloomberg’s data analysis, such as the Equity Screener (EQS), Portfolio Analytics (PORT), Relative Value (RV) and Excel-based analytical models, including ESG Scorecard and Carbon Risk Valuation Tool.
Datastream Available through WRDS
Global financial markets data, company information, equity, fixed income data, etc.
LSEG Workspace, formerly known Refinitiv Workspace contains public and private company information for both U.S. and international firms, investment reports, breaking news and economic statistics. It covers a broad range of financial market trends, and includes deals data, private equity/venture capital coverage, and environmental performance information (ESG).
MSCI ESG direct (formerly known GMI)
Providing access to "ESG ratings, research and real-time updates on about 6,000 companies worldwide based on 150 carefully selected risk factors, AGR® ratings, research and real-time updates on about 18,000 companies worldwide based on more than 50 discrete risk factors, Environmental performance data from Trucost including Greenhouse Gases (GHGs), water, waste, pollutants and natural resource dependency, unique data on litigation and financial-distress risk, daily and weekly updates, quarterly ratings reviews and event-driven analysis, search functionality, screening and analytical tools, including WatchLists, Portfolio Analysis, Alerts, Industry Browser, and peer-group analysis"--Publisher information.
MSCI ESG Ratings Time Series (formerly known KLD through WRDS)
MSCI ESG Ratings are provided by MSCI ESG Research LLC for use in measuring and analyzing issuer companies' risks and opportunities arising from environmental, social, and governance issues. MSCI maintains and supports the MSCI ESG Ratings Time Series from January 1, 2007. This data is avaiable as monthly updates as of the first day of each month, e.g. 01-Jan-2007, 01-Feb-2007, etc. Time Series data for 2007 - 2012 has been aggregated into a single file. Subsequent years are provided as distinct annual files, e.g. 2013 data, 2014 data, etc., due to the increases over time in issuer coverage and the number of datapoints included. Other related data can be retrieved through GMI Analyst.
ISS (formerly RiskMetrics) via WRDS
ISS (formerly RiskMetrics) delivers to data for the new methodology to WRDS in four datasets identified as: Historical Governance, Historical Directors data, Voting Results data, and Shareholder Proposal data.