Journalism Research Guide: Bloomberg Terminal

Bloomberg Terminal

The Bloomberg Terminal provides real-time and historical financial data as well as news, in-depth financial research, and other services. There is one Bloomberg Terminal located in the Stabile Center (Pulitzer 204) for Journalism affiliates. See the Columbia Libraries' Bloomberg Help Guide for additional Terminal locations and more information.

Create a Bloomberg Terminal Account

To create an account:

  1. On the Bloomberg Terminal login screen, click "Create a New Login"
  2. Complete the prompts on the Welcome screen and click "Next"
  3. Fill out the form, then click "Next":
    • First Name and Last Name
    • Bloomberg will automatically assign you a Login Name—write this down or change it to something you will remember (e.g., your UNI)
    • Phone numbers—use your cell phone number for both Company Phone and Mobile Phone
    • Company Email—use your Columbia email address
  4. Complete the verification prompt, then enter a password for your account
  5. Log in to your new Bloomberg account

Getting Started

To get started with using the Bloomberg Terminal, see:

Bloomberg Certification

Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC), also referred to as Bloomberg Certification, is an 8-hour, self-paced e-learning course that provides a visual introduction to the financial markets and covers more than 70 Terminal functions. BMC consists of four modules—Economics, Currencies, Fixed Income and Equities—woven together from Bloomberg data, news, analytics and television.

The course can either be taken on the Bloomberg Terminal or through the online Bloomberg for Education Portal.

To start the course online:

  1. Go to the Bloomberg for Education Portal and click "Sign Up"
  2. Complete the registration using your Columbia email address (even if you have an active Bloomberg Terminal account, you need to sign up for these trainings separately but can then link the accounts if you wish)
  3. Follow the prompt in the account activation email and then complete the registration form (you will have to "purchase access," but it should default to a Complimentary $0.00 option)
  4. Once in the Education Portal, click the header for "Certificates" and choose the option for "Bloomberg Market Concepts"

To start the course on the Terminal:

  1. Login to the Bloomberg Terminal
  2. Use the function BCER <GO>
  3. Click "Sign Up" and create a BCER registration (this is separate from your Bloomberg Terminal login) and follow the prompts
  4. Locate and click the Bloomberg Market Concepts Certificate