Our library resources in CJK languages are cataloged using the East Asian Character Code (EACC) or MARC 21 variants. Some characters in these code sets are different from what we can produce with a regular Japanese keyboards. It may be helpful if you register frequently used variants to your input system.
1. Finding EACC/MARC 21 variants
You can find those variants in library catalog in CLIO or in the following databases:
Frequently-encountered EACC variants include: 戶 (戸)、錄 (録)、 說 (説)、卷 (巻)、姬 (姫)、寬 (寛)
2. Adding EACC/MARC8 variants to your input editor
<Window's Users>
Click on tools icon on the Language Bar and select Add Word or Entry to add characters and words with EACC/MARC 21 variants.
<Mac Users>
Please read Edit and use your Japanese user dictionaries on Mac at support.apple.com.
<iPad and iPhone>
Go to Settings -> General ->Keyboards-> Text Replacement and add variant characters and words.
Updated: 9/16/2020
If you are using the HathiTrust on your iPad and trying to do a phrase search, selecting the correct form of the double quotation mark is important. First,. switch to English keyboard and hold down ? key and select double quotation mark appearing in a small pop-up window.
Double quotation mark available over L key doesn't work for phrase search. The other one you can find by tapping the".?123" key will not work for phrase search, either. These double quotation marks look slanted compared to the one that works for phrase search.
Updated: 9/17/2020
<For Windows Users>
On your language bar, right click and open Setting window.
Choose and open Japanese Keyboard Microsoft IME setting screen
Change Space option to "Always Half-width"
If you are using Windows 10, right click on language bar and open Setting window.
Choose Japanese from Preferred languages and click Options.
Go to Keyboards section and select Microsoft IME and click Options
Go to Advanced setting section at the very bottom and Open advanced settings.
Choose "Always Half-width" for Space input setting.
<For Mac Users>
Please refer to websites such as the one below.
日本語入力時に常に半角スペース入力にする方法【Mac】 - アンフィニ・ラボ
Updated: 5/7/2020
There are free online tools to asssist you when Japanese input/keyboard is not available on some library workstations.