Japanese Studies Research Guide: Find Articles

Reference and research resources in Japanese

Obtaining Journal Articles in Journals/Magazines in Print

To obtain a copy of a journal article: If it is not available online, try the following step.

  1. Go to CLIO (Columbia Library Information Online) and search for the journal title.
  2. If the journal is found in our collection, check if the necessary issue is available as well as its location. When it is located offsite, you may request a copy of the article, by clicking the “offsite” button and filling in the "Electronic" form.
  3. If the journal is not held by Columbia, go to the  ILL (interlibrary loan) page. Select "Article" form to submit your request. In addition to required information, provide additional information such as volume number, ISSN, OCLC no., link to a NDL bibliographic record, etc. as much as possible.

Please note: Columbia does not participate in ILL for books with NDL. Howver, we can request articles, book chapters, etc. via NDL's Remote Photoduplication Service to Columbia users. Please read Information about Copyright page carefully to understand Japanese libraries' definition of "a part of a work" and limits on copying serial publications.Delivery will be sent to us BY POST

Updated: 9/20/2024

Journals/Magazines via Databases

Updated: 12/5/2019

Institutional Repositories

Indexes for Journal Articles

Volume/Issue numbers (通巻号数 or ....)

Japanese periodicals often bear two sets of volume/issue numbers: regular combination of volume & issue, and 通巻号数 (whole number).

CiNii citation often uses the former and North American Library catalogs may go with 通巻号数 (whole number).

The NDL biblographic records often carry both numbers. 

eg) 袖珍サイズの「英和対訳袖珍辞書」を発見
      三好 彰 日本古書通信 75 (10), 4-7, 2010-10

Citation on CiNii: Volume 75, issue 10

CLIO Holding Information for the same periodical title. 

NDL Holding Information includes both volume & issue, and 通巻号数 (whole number)

Updated: 3/1/2024

Academi Society Websites

Search and visit websites of the individual academic societies, conferences, etc. Occassionally they post PDFs on their website. Those resources may not be linked to index databases mentioned above.

eg) 公開シンポジウム「人文科学とデータベース」発表論文集 archived on their symposium website: https://www.jinbun-db.com/symposium/archives

No full-text link indication on NDL SEARCH result list

CiNii Research doesn't index all the issues.

Some societies may also provide you options to become an individual member and obtain access to the articles or purchase the articles directly from them.

Update: 2/28/2024

Academic Society Directory

Gakkai meikan/学会名鑑 from Nihon Gakujutsu Kaigi/日本学術会議 (Science Council of Japan), Nihon Gakujutsu Kyoryoku Zaidan/日本学術協力財団 (Japan Science Support Foundation) and Kagaku Gijutsu Shinko Kiko/科学技術振興機構 (Japan Science and Technology Agency)

As of March 3, 2020, 2,051 academic societies are listed in the directory. Entries include information about society journals.

For more about this database, visit this site.  Starr Library also holds 2001-2003 and 2004-2006 editions of this directory.

Updated: 2/10/2021


Contents list of monographic titles

Ronbunshū naiyō saimoku sōran (論文集内容細目総覧)
        1945-1992, 1993-1998, 1999-2003, 2004-2008

Updated: 12/5/2019

Japanese Studies Librarian

Profile Photo
Chiaki Sakai
Room 307 Butler Library
(212) 854-1506