BorrowDirect can be accessed via Columbia University Libraries pull-down menu while in CLIO.
You will also find Pick-up (BorrowDirect) link if our own copy is unavailable while out on loan or missing.
3. If the Borrow Direct libraries do not have an available copy, try ILL to request a copy. If you use e-link while searching WorldCat, your ILL will be autofilled with necessary bibliographic information.
Check "Search Tips" for useful techniques, for example, phrase, truncation, and NOT searches.
Check how your search query and after-search limits appear on your result screen. "Is" can be changed to "Is not" to exclude certain materials in CLIO.
Updated: 9/19/2024
You can recommend a title for purchase. Reuqest form is available in the Feedback/Help menu on CLIO.
Requests for Japanese language resources are likely to be forwarded to the Japanese Studies Librarian and English and Western language resources will be taken care by East Asian Studies Librarian and maybe by other subject specialists.
Update: 10/4/2023
<Examples of Directories and guides in print>
Updated: 8/28/2024
Most of Japanese language materials are cataloged both in Japanese language as well as transliteration of Japanese in romanization (modified Hepburn System by Library of Congress). Romanization tables are available in appendix section of Japanese Romanization Table (2022) document. In CLIO, it is more effective when you search by romanization rather than Japanese script (eg: Try search CLIO using 江戸 in Japanese and Edo in romanization and compare your results). Pay attention to word divisions as well.
Ebooks may be listed not only under Catalog section, but also under Articles + section. To include Articles + in your search, switch to Quick Search mode.
Updated: 9/20/2024
To find what have been published in a year, also consult print titles such as the following:
Updated: 9/27/2023
This list is a selected list. Please search CLIO and other library databases to find more print indexes and bibliographies.
Subject such as Indexes and Table of Contents can be combined with other keywords to find theme specific resources, etc.
Updated: 9/19/2024
Updated: 12/4/2019
Survey Form:
Due to necessary upgrades, the Starr Library is currently closed (collections and services are still accessible). Read more.
Temporary office for Japanese Studies Librarian is at 307 Butler Library.
The Collection's strength lies in the humanities and the social sciences with substantial holdings in literature, history, philosophy and religion, especially Buddhism, fine and performing arts, business and economics, and East Asian studies. The Library's Japanese language holdings, as of June 30, 2020, include 374,335 volumes; 3,544 serials titles; 40,635 microform items; 1,233 DVDs; 519 film and videocassettes; 504 audios; and 940 cartographic/graphic materials. These resources are supported by a collection of secondary materials in Western languages. We also subscribe to over 20 electronic databases and have roughly 5,500 Japanese e-books.
Updated: 9/10/2021
Japanese e-resources usually do not work very well with citation management software like Zotero.
Remembering NDL's multiple ISBN search via WEB JAPANESE NATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPGY (全国書誌データ検索) or WEBNDL CATALOG (蔵書目録データ検索) can be useful.
* ISBN一括検索の方法(全国書誌データ検索、蔵書目録データ検索)
1. Use ISBN/ISSN search box on Advanced Search (絞り込み検索) screen.
2. Insert a space between ISBNs. Space normally works as the Boolean command "AND" in keyword search box and such, but here it works as the Boolean command "OR."
Update: 9/20/2024