Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) A through G
- Cato Institute: Energy and Environment
Cato's energy and environment studies are devoted to explaining how energy markets work and promoting policies that leave questions regarding energy consumption, environmental standards, market structure, and technology to the market rather than government planners. Cato is committed to protecting the environment without sacrificing economic liberty, and believes that those goals are mutually supporting, not mutually exclusive.
- The Center for Energy and Environmental Studies (CEES)
The Center for Energy and Environmental Studies coordinates Boston University's education, research, and professional training in the fields of energy and environmental analysis. The perspective of the Center is multi-disciplinary and problem-oriented.
- Central European Environmental Data Request Facility (CEDAR)
CEDAR, in cooperation with the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) in Budapest, Hungary, provides computing and Internetwork facilities to support international data exchange with the Central and Eastern European environmental community.
- Columbia Earth Institute
- Commission for Environmental Cooperation
The CEC facilitates cooperation and public participation to foster conservation, protection and enhancement of the North American environment for the benefit of present and future generations, in the context of increasing economic, trade and social links between Canada, Mexico and the United States. A wide range for full text publications are available on the site.
- Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
An NGO site (located at Columbia's Lamonty-Doherty campus) with extensive access to demographic and environmental data.
- The Earth Council Alliance
Earth Council Alliance (ECA) supports Earth Councils and other people and organizations committed to sustainability initiatives and preserving the world for today’s peoples and future generations. ECA supports autonomous Earth Councils founded during the last decade in with the goal of accelerating progress in achieving sustainability goals as they are framed in the Earth Charter, Agenda 21, and the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.
- Environmental Change and Security Project (ECSP), at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
As hard security threats dominate the headlines, ECSP works hard to foster a broader, nonpartisan debate. We shatter the boundaries separating environment, population, and security, and reveal the links that connect our natural resources—air, water, land, forests—to conflict and cooperation.
- Future Generations
An international non-governmental organization (NGO) working for an environmentally sustainable future. Currently, its major program focus is on Asia, and in particular the Tibet Autonomous Region of China.
- Global Footprint Network
In 2003, Global Footprint Network was established to enable a sustainable future where all people have the opportunity to live satisfying lives within the means of one planet. An essential step in creating a one-planet future is measuring human impact on the Earth so we can make more informed choices.
H through Z
- International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria
The IIASA is an international research institute established in 1972 by the USA and the Soviet Union as a center for objective, joint East-West study of problems common to modern societies. East-West collaboration remains an important part of IIASA's work, but with the end of the Cold War the emphasis has shifted to the scientific study of global change, in particular the policy aspects of environmental, economic, and technological processes of change.
- International Institute for Energy Conservation
IIEC was established to foster the implementation of energy efficiency in developing countries and countries in transition. IIEC’ s approach focuses on implementation, resulting in policies developed in partnership with key policymakers and industry in our target countries as well as the bilateral and multilateral institutions that help to shape energy policy and investment priorities globally.
- International Institute for Environment and Development
At a time when swift change is the norm, IIED finds solutions to the shifting array of challenges by focusing on five big issues: Climate Change, Governance, Human Settlements, Natural Resources and Sustainable Markets.
- International Institute for Sustainable Development
Provides Linkages: a Multimedia Resource for Environment & Development Policy Makers
- The Population-Environment Research Network
The Population-Environment Research Network seeks to advance academic research on population and the environment by promoting on-line scientific exchange among researchers from social and natural science disciplines worldwide. It sponsors a research database and a cyber seminar series.
- Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
PIK addresses crucial scientific questions in the fields of global change, climate impacts and sustainable development. Researchers from the natural and social sciences work together to generate interdisciplinary insights and to provide society with sound information for decision making. The main methodologies are systems and scenarios analysis, modelling, computer simulation, and data integration.
- Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe
The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) is a non-advocacy, not-for-profit organisation with the mission to assist in solving environmental problems in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The Center fulfils its mission through encouraging cooperation among non-governmental organisations, governments and businesses, supporting the free exchange of information and promoting public participation in environmental decision-making.
- Resources for the Future
A nonprofit and nonpartisan organization that conducts independent research – rooted primarily in economics and other social sciences – on environmental, energy, natural resource and environmental health issues.
- Stanford University Program on Energy and Sustainable Development
The Program on Energy and Sustainable Development (PESD) is an international, interdisciplinary program that draws on the fields of economics, political science, law, and management to investigate how the production and consumption of energy affect human welfare and environmental quality.
- The Virtual Library on Urban Environmental Management
The library is essentially a grouping of urban planning researchers spread all around the world. It uses the internet as a means of communication and exchange of information, and a homepage to 'package' the collected information in a presentable way.
- World Conservation Union (IUCN)
The world’s oldest and largest global environmental organisation, with more than 1,200 government and NGO Members and almost 11,000 volunteer experts in some 160 countries
- World Resources Institute
The World Resources Institute is an independent center for policy research and technical assistance on global environmental and development issues. The site is rich with full text publications, data, and links.
- World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
- Endangered Species Fact Sheets
- Living Planet Report
The Living Planet Report seeks to present a quantitative picture of the sate of the world's natural environment and the human pressures upon it. Specifically, it presents WWF's Living Planet Index (LPI), a measure of the change in the health of the world's natural ecosystems since 1970, focusing on the earth's forest, freshwater, and marine biomes.
- Worldwatch Institute
The Worldwatch Institute is an independent research organization recognized by opinion leaders around the world for its accessible, fact-based analysis of critical global issues. The Institute's three main program areas include Climate & Energy, Food & Agriculture, and the Green Economy.