(朝日新聞オンライン記事データベース:聞蔵IIA newspaper database for Asahi shinbun containing 12 million articles (as of Aug. 2010) published from 1879 to present. Also includes articles from the weekly magazines Aera as well as Shūkan Asahi, from the annual new-word dictionary Chiezō, Asahi shinbun jinbutsu dētabēsu, and Aashi shinbun rekishi shashin ākaibu.
(毎日新聞データベース、毎索)Access to the online full-text database of Mainichi shinbun (Maiji 5 [1872]- ). The database also includes Mainichi daily news (June 2008- ), Shūkan Ekonomisuto (October 1989- ), Mainichi yoron chōsa (the public opinion poll) conducted by Mainichi Shinbunsha (1945- ), and the company history "Mainichi' no 3-seiki."
(日経テレコン21)Provides current news reports from Japanese langauge newspapers including local papers. Other resources include business related journals, Nikkei corporation profile, Nikkei Who's who, stock quotations, bond quotations, economic indicators, market forecasts, Nikkei weekly, and Nikkei major articles.
(読売新聞オンライン: ヨミダス歴史館)Includes Yomiuri shinbun 1874 to the present: image format from 1874 to 1989; full text 1986 to the present, along with the English edition: the Daily Yomiuri (Sept. 1989- to the present), both searchable by article, keyword, subject category, and issue. Charts and photographs are not included. Also includes biographical information on 26,000 people.
(台湾日日新報)Taiwan nichinichi shinpo, an official daily newspaper, was published by the Government-General of Taiwan from 1898 to 1944 in Japanese along with Chinese text from 1905 to 1911; an indispensable resources for knowing the condition of Taiwan for these years.
The "Newspaper Article Collection", also known as the "newspaper clippings collection," is a collection of newspaper clippings from the end of the Meiji era to Showa 45 (i.e. 1970). It was created by the Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe, Japan. There are approximately 3200 clippings, collected continuously for over 60 years. If you count articles, the number of items increases to approximately 500,000 articles.