Japanese Studies CourseWork Guide: Find Articles

This is a general guide for the resources for Japanese Studies in Japanese language

Getting Journal Articles

To obtain a copy of a journal article after you have found the bibliographic information from a journal index such as Zashi Kiji Sakuin (in print or database format) and/or from “References” or “Bibliography” in a book or another article, etc. If the article is published in an academic publication such as kiyō (紀要), you may check  the article in JAIRO whether or not its full text is available. Otherwise, try the following steps:

  1. Go to CLIO (Columbia Library Information Online) to see if the journal and the issue in which the article was published is available in one of the Columbia libraries.
  2. If the journal and the issue is available, get the journal/issue; if the journal issue is located offsite, you may request a copy of the article, by clicking the “offsite” button and filling in the "Electronic" form.
  3. If the journal is not held by Columbia, go to the  ILL (interlibrary loan) page to request a copy of the journal article. 

Note: Columbia is a member of GIF (Global ILL Framework), which allows us to request a copy of a journal article from GIF member libraries in Japan.

Contents list of monographic titles

Ronbunshū naiyō saimoku sōran (論文集内容細目総覧)

Indexes for Journal Articles Online

Journals and Journal Articles in Web-based databases:

Institutional Repositories

CD/DVD format reprint journals and Indexes Available on Japanese CD/DVD-ROM workstation in the Reading Room.

  • Fujin Gaho (婦人画報)
  • Gunzō (群像)
  • "Jinmin Bungaku" Zengō hyōshi gazō, sōmokuji, sakuin (「人民文学」全号表紙画像、宗目次・索引)
  • “Joshi Bundan”  shippitsushamei, kijimei dētabēse = 『女子文壇』執筆者名・記事名データベース
  • “Kashima bijutsu kenkyū” sōsakuin =「鹿島美術研究」総索引
  • Kokka (国華) 
  • [Nihongogaku ]ronsetsu shiryō sakuin =  [日本語学]論説資料索引
  • Sairen [fukkokuban] kiji mokuaroku = さいれん [復刻版]記事目録
  • Seisen Kindai Bungei Zasssishū Sōmokuji (精選近代文芸雑誌集総目次)
  • "Shinbun to Shaki" kanbetsu kiji (「新聞と社会」 巻別記事)
  • Taiwan Kyōiku Sōmokuji Sakuin = 台湾教育 総目次・索引

Japanese Studies Librarian