Japanese Studies CourseWork Guide: Find Books

This is a general guide for the resources for Japanese Studies in Japanese language

Getting Japanese Books

To obtain a copy of a book you have located in the catalogs/databases described in the column "Books," try the following steps:

  1. Go to CLIO (Columbia Library Information Online) to see if it is available in one of the Columbia libraries. 
  2. If a book is not at Columbia or the Columbia copy is checked out, try Borrow Direct
  3. If the Borrow Direct libraries do not have an available copy, try ILL to request a copy. 

Note: Columbia is a member of GIF (Global ILL Framework), which allows us to borrow books and get copies of articles from GIF member libraries in Japan.


Columbia's online public catalog was transformed to a discover tool and contains records for almost all materials, including books, periodicals, microforms, and databases, and beyond.  Most of Japanese language materials are cataloged both in Japanese language as well as translitelation of Japanese in romanization in the modified Hepburn System employed by the Library of Congress.  It is more effective to search by romanization rather than Japanese, but pay attention to word divisions.  CLIO search tips, please click here.


Institutional Repositories

Indexes to Works in Collections and Series

  • Zenshū, sōsho sōmokuroku (全集・叢書 総目録).       
            Meiji, Taishō, Shōwa senzenki
  • zenshū kōza naiyō sōran (全集講座内容綜覧).       
             Jinbun hen (人文編)
            Shakai hen (社会編)
  • Kojin chosakushū naiyō sōran (個人 著作集 内容 綜覧)       
  • Kojin zenshū naiyō sōran  (個人全集内容綜覧)       
  •     Dai II-ki (第II期)< /li>
  • Zenshū kojin zenshū naiyō sōran (全集 個人 全集・內容 綜覧)       
  •     Dai III-ki (第 III期)
  •    Dai IV-ki (第IV期)
  •     Dai V-ki (第V期)
  •     Dai VI-ki (第VI期)
    • Kojin zenshū sakuhinmei sōran (個人 全集・作品名 綜覧)       
    •         >Dai II-ki ((第II期)< /li>
  • Zenshū kojin zenshū sakuhinmei sōran (全集, 個人 全集・作品名 綜覧)       


  •        Dai III-ki (第 III期)< /li>
  •        Dai IV-ki (第 IV期)< /li>

Early Japanese Books (古典籍)

Kotenseki Databases


Japanese Studies Librarian

Starr East Asian Library