International & Public Affairs Research Guide: Find Articles

This research guide identifies some of the major databases and library services that support research at the School of International Affairs at Columbia University.

How to start looking for academic articles or studies

To find scholarly articles or studies, we recommend using databases.

International & Public Affairs students typically use either ProQuest for scholarly articles and Harvard Business Case Studies for case studies (we do NOT have the full collection because it not available for purchase). 

On this page you will find a lot of options to start your research, but these are not all of the databases that you have access to as a Columbia University student! Explore the other research guides to find other databases for different disciplines, or attend a workshop like database demo. 

Other useful interdisciplinary databases:

A note on Business Resources: 

Occasionally, students studying International & Public Affairs need business resources. We have a very robust Business Library with a team of librarians. If you need remote Bloomberg access, you must email the Business Library directly. Additionally, the Business & Economics Guides is a good summary of resources. We have newly added some Harvard Business School Case Studies. 

International Databases

Defense Databases

  • Armed Conflict Database: From the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS). Provides information on armed conflicts including terrorism, refugees/ and returnees, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), weapons used and their flows, fatalities, costs ($US), historical backgrounds, annual updates and timelines.
  • DSCA Facts Book: Foreign Military Sales, Foreign Military Construction Sales and Military Assistance Facts. 
  • Military Balance Plus: It is an easy-to-use resource, allowing instant access to wide-ranging data and enabling users to customise, view, compare and download data instantly, anywhere, anytime. Data sets are continuously monitored and updated by IISS analysts in the Defence and Military Analysis Programme.
  • The SIPRI Arms Transfers Database: Contains information on all international transfers of seven categories of major conventional weapons from 1950 to the most recent full calendar year. It can be used to generate detailed written reports and statistical data.
  • The SIPRI Military Expenditure Database: Covers 171 countries and contains consistent time series for the period since 1988. The online military expenditure database provides military expenditure data by country in the following three formats: Military expenditure in local currency, at current prices, 1988-present; Military expenditure in US dollars, at constant (2005) prices and exchange rates, 1988-present; Military expenditure as a share (%) of gross domestic product (GDP), 1988-present.

Economic & Political Databases

  • CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online): A wide range of scholarship that includes working papers from university research institutes, occasional papers series from NGOs, foundation-funded research projects, and proceedings from conferences.
  • EconLit: Comprehensive, indexed bibliography of worldwide literature on economics from over 300 major economics journals, books, and collected volumes. Coverage: 1969-present.
  • EMIS-Emerging Markets Information Service: Provides general news and financial and economic information on emerging market countries. ​
  • FIRST (Facts on International Relations and Security Trends): A joint project of SIPRI and the International Relations and Security Network. Contains information covering many areas in the field of international relations and security, such as international organizations, conflicts, arms transfers, and military expenditure.
  • HeinOnline: Contains the full text of numerous legal journals, Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Register, Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, Foreign Relations of the U.S., Presidential Executive Orders, Congressional Record, U.S. Statutes at Large, and other documents from the executive, congressional and judicial branches of the U.S. government.

  • Hispanic American Periodical Index (HAPI): Articles in scholarly journals published in Latin America and the Caribbean, or those dealing with topics relating to Latin America, the Caribbean, and Hispanic Americans.
  • OECD iLibrary: Includes all OECD books, reports, periodicals and statistical databases. Coverage: 1988 to the present, updated weekly.
  • PAIS: Citations and abstracts for publications related to public affairs, 1915 to the present.
  • Peace Research Abstracts: Indexes articles related to peace research, including conflict resolution, international affairs, peace psychology, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline.
  • SocINDEX with full text: Offers comprehensive coverage of sociology and its related disciplines, including ethnic & racial studies, gender studies, marriage & family, political sociology, social psychology, and, social work.​
  • Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium: TRAC: Digital Intelligence Repository for everything related to political violence and terrorism analysis.
  • Worldwide Political Science Abstracts: Provides access to citations and abstracts of journal articles appearing in political science journals. Coverage: 1975 to the pres


News Databases

  • Access world news
  • Alt-PressWatch: Full text database of selected newspapers, magazines, journals of the alternative and independent press.
  • Associated Press collections online: Includes a decades' worth of wire copy, correspondence, memos, internal publications, and more.
  • AP Images: Associated Press archive of over photographs from 1844 to the present.
  • Factiva: Full-text database providing news sources from around the world. It also provides detailed facts, figures and analyses of companies, industries and financial markets. Coverage varies by source.
  • - Reliable Security Information: Source for reliable news and security information.
  • Le Monde
  • Meet the Press:  Includes every surviving program of NBC's Meet the Pressfrom the show's inception in 1947 through the present day.
  • Offers a daily email newsletter of concise, translated briefs covering some of the key political, cultural, economic and opinion pieces appearing via the print, radio and television media of the 22 Arab countries, Iran and the Arab Diaspora.
  • National Journal: A collection of resources on U.S. politics and policy, including the National Journal, The Hotline, Congress Daily, Technology Daily, Poll Track, Ad Spotlight, and The Almanac of American Politics. Also provides Congressional markup reports and update reports on key legislation.
  • Television News Archive: Searchable archive of abstracts of news broadcasts from 1968 to present (ABC, CBS, NBC), 1995 to present (CNN), selected content from PBS and FOX News. Video content from CNN viewable with RealOne media player.
  • World Politics Review: Daily online publication and resource for foreign policy professionals.

Social Science Databases

  • Philosopher's Index: Contains citations to journal articles, books, contributions to anthologies, and book reviews. It covers the major fields of philosophy, including international relations.
  • Sage Research: Coverage includes more than 555 SAGE journals, more than 175,000 articles, book reviews, and editorials, with original graphics and tables in the following disciplines: Communication Studies, Criminology, Education, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology.
  • Science Direct: Web database for scientific research that contains abstracts, tables of contents, and full text of articles in the sciences, technology, medicine and social sciences.