Active Audience: Course guide: Company research: Who are your stakeholders?

Resources for company research

Locations of Bloomberg terminals: See Bloomberg Research Guide 

Bloomberg is the large database of public and (some) private companies.  Provides financial, ownership, and stock information. Also covers most markets including commodities, currencies, fixed income, and more.

Provides access to thousands of full text articles from newspapers, trade journals and press releases.  Also contains transcripts of news broadcasts and public radio. 

Mergent online

U.S. company data: public companies and their SEC filings; U.S. Annual Reports; International company data: with global searching across databases; International Annual Reports and equity research reports from Investext

Covers hundreds of thousands of private and public companies around the world.  Contains financial and ownership data.

Interdisciplinary database with trade journals, newspapers, scholarly journals and dissertations.

LLSEG workspace
Covers most publicly traded companies globally.  Provides access to earnings calls, company presentations and financial data.

SEC filings

  • All companies that are traded in the United States have to file financial, informational and management compensation documents and more with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).  Check the SEC website for descriptions of filing types.
  • The mission of the SEC is to create an efficient and orderly market, protect investors and encourage new business. The SEC was created in 1934 by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
  • Mergent online  U.S. company data: public and private companies and their SEC filings
  • LSEG Workspace: provides access to financial data, news and content coverage in a highly customized workflow experience on your preferred device, at home or in the office.
  • Historical SEC Filings: The Historical Annual Reports to Stockholders, 10Ks, Prospectuses and Proxies for NYSE and ASE companies are available on microfiche. They are filed alphabetically in the cabinets housed in Butler Library.