Water Research Guide: Data

Research guide for Water Resources. Including groundwater, and water security.

Geosciences data sources & sets

Water Data:

  • Aquastat: Useful for water resource information for world and operated under United Nations.
  • Data.gov - Water Data: Water Data from the US Government
  • EPA Water Data & Tools: Water Data and Tools from the EPA
  • NYC Open Data - Water: New York City Open Data sources on water
  • NYS DOH Water Data: New York State Department of Health Water Data
  • Tide Predictor: WWW Tide Predictor presents worldwide (strongest coverage for US & Canada) tide predictions in tabular or graphical format adjusted for daylight savings time or UTC starting from the current or a specified date up to one week ahead. Start days for the years 1995-2025.
  • USGS Water Data: United States Geological Survey Water Data and resources - a wealth of information
  • USGS NY Water Science Center: United States Geological Survey New York Specific Water resources

Climate Data:

GIS/GeoSpatial Data:

Geological Data:

General/Other Data:

Research Data Managment

Data Citations

Cite data to give the data producer proper credit and to enable readers of your work to access the data, for their own use, or to replicate your results. Whether citing data, or expecting others to cite your data make sure that the following elements are provided:

  • Creators
  • Date: year of publication rather than collection or coverage
  • Title
  • Version or edition
  • Publisher, data center or repository
  • Identifier and/or permanent URL


  • DataCite: how to cite data.
  • Data Citation Index: An index for research data, including data studies and data sets, and links them to the scientific literature to track data citation


  • Historical statistics of the United States: colonial times to 1970
    Aata are readily available for charting, or statistical analysis, or regrouping across tables.
  • IMF eLibrary
    The IMF eLibrary offers direct access to IMF's periodicals, books, working papers and studies, and data and statistical tools. The topics covered include
  • OECD iLibrary
    The online publications portal of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Includes all OECD books, reports, periodicals and statistical databases. Coverage: 1988 to the present, updated weekly.
  • SAGE Stats
    Data from more than 80 different government and non-government sources. Collection of more than 2,000 current and historical data series on popular topics of research interest such as, Crime and Law, Enforcement, Defense, Demographics, Economics, Employment and Labor, Energy, and the Environment, Health and Medicine, Social Welfare, Taxes and Government Finance, Transportation.
  • Statistical Insight
    Bibliographical citations to statistical information from the U.S. government, international intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), state governments, and private sources. Some items have links to full-text.
  • UNdata
    More than 450 statistical time series for countries from around the world covering a wide range of economic and socio-demographic topics. Descriptions of the international sources and definitions used in compiling the data are included.
  • Vital statistics on American Politics
    Provides basic statistical information on American government and politics: elections, Congress, the presidency, the judiciary, media, campaign finances, foreign, social, and economic policy, and a variety of issues related to state and local government.
  • World Databank (WDI)
    WDI Online is a comprehensive database on development data covering 575 indicators, 225 countries, and 18 regional and income groups. The extensive collection of development data includes population, income, social, economic, financial, natural resources, and environmental indicators for more than forty years (1960 to 2000, where data are available).

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