Email: to make an appointment or contact a specific librarian.
You can configure Google Scholar so that it auto-links to full-text articles at Columbia.
Alternately, you can simply use this link:
See our CLIO for a full list of resources.
Six terminals are available in Business Library in Uris Hall. Five terminals in room 601 Kravis Hall & Five terminals in room 626 Geffen Hall. Restricted to CBS students. There are also two terminals in Lehman Library, one terminal in the Journalism Library and two terminals in the Social Work Building-Center On Global Energy Policy .
CapitalIQ All Columbia Business School students should have the Capital IQ account few weeks after fall semester starts. Non CBS students can visit to the Business Library in URIS Hall or in Lehman Library to use the Capital IQ.
Available through WRDS: Large database of time series data covering stocks, bonds, commodities and economic data for numerous countries, along with company profiles. Request for an account through WRDS registration.
Provides analytic tools and financial and economics data on public and private companies and their debt issues, private equity and venture capital firms and funds, macroeconomic series, global M&A deals, ownership details, and people data.
Available through the Business Library in URIS Hall and Manhattanville Library's workstations: Includes data on closed-end funds, equity ownership, exchange traded funds, hedge funds, market indexes, money market funds, offshore funds, open-end mutual funds, pension/life insurance funds, stocks, bonds, information on Global Private Equity Firm Executives and Owners, and directory of Global Private Equity Firms.
Data from more than 80 different government and non-government sources. Collection of more than 2,000 current and historical data series on popular topics of research interest. Discover, view, and export key information measures for the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Topics including: Agriculture, Crime and Law, Enforcement, Defense, Demographics, Economics, Education, Employment and Labor, Geography, Energy, and the Environment, Health and Medicine, Social Welfare, Taxes and Government Finance, Teaching and Education, Transportation.
Provides indexing, abstracting of and citation linking to journals in biology ,physics, chemistry, geosciences, agriculture, medicine, business, social work, and the social sciences.
SDC Platinum
Available through the LSEG workspace. Registration through CU email is required to have access to this database. SDC Platinum has includes Global News Issues, Mergers and Acquisitions, Venture Xpert and Global Public Issues
Web of Science All Databases indexes (formerly Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge) indexes core journal articles, conference proceedings, data sets, and other resources in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.
Wharton Research Data Service (WRDS)
WRDS provides access to COMPUSTAT, CRSP, IBES, NYSE-TAQ, Bureau van Dijk (Amadeus and Osiris), Global Insight, OptionMetrics, Markit, RiskMetrics and more.
Use the Libraries' online catalog, CLIO, to search for print and electronic books and journals, databases, and datasets.