Theological Seminary Studies: Background Info

Online Reference Resources


Bible & Scripture




Most print reference materials in the Burke Library are located in the Main Reading Room on level L3. These materials cannot be checked out, so they are always available. This makes it a great place for researchers in theology and religion to study. Here are some of the resources available in the Reading Room:

Atlases such as the Illustrated Atlas of Jerusalem

Bible Commentaries such as Calvin's Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Isaiah

Biography sources such as African-American Religious Leaders: A-Z of African Americans

Concordances such as Graphic Concordance to the Dead Sea Scrolls

Dictionaries such as The Anchor Bible Dictionary

Encyclopedias such as the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Gender Studies

Lexicons such as A Reader's Hebrew-English Lexicon of the Old Testament



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Caro Bratnober
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The Burke Library at UTS
3041 Broadway