Center for Human Rights Documentation & Research (CHRDR)
Based in the Libraries, the CHRDR houses the archives of several prominent human rights organizations and promotes the development of strong general collections to support human rights research. The archives are managed by Columbia's Rare Book & Manuscript Library. General collections are found throughout Columbia's Libraries according to subject.
Global Studies
Area and subject specialist librarians who develop interdisciplinary collections covering the following regions/subjects: African Studies, Jewish Studies, Latin American & Iberian Studies, Middle East & Islamic Studies, Russian, Eurasian & E.European Studies, South & Southeast Asian Studies.
C.V. Starr East Asian Library
Collections from and about China, Japan, Korea and Tibet, in languages of those countries as well as materials in English and other Western languages about East Asia.
Lehman Social Sciences Library
Contemporary collection of social sciences materials, e.g. sociology, political sciences, international affairs. Lehman is also a U.S. federal government document depository.
Columbia Center for Oral History Archives CCOHA
Largest and oldest oral history program in the world; holds recorded interviews and transcripts with several collections related to contemporary and historical human rights topics.
Butler Library
Humanities and history collections, e.g. biography, historical works, literary, cultural topics, feature and documentary film.
Arthur W. Diamond Law Library
Significant holdings of international law, treaties, IGO documents including the UN, International Court and tribunal records. Journals and books relevant to HR, esp. legal aspects, treatments.