- Real Estate Development theses are not cataloged by subject in CLIO.
- To find Real Estate Development theses in CLIO, do a search on an author or title if known.
- If the author or title is not known, do a basic keyword search of "real and estate and columbia and thesis." This search will bring up a list of all the theses in alphabetical order beginning with numerals. If you prefer to browse these titles by date click on the drop down box labelled "Re-sort results by."
- If there is a specific topic you are interested in, do the same keyword search but add one or two terms relevant to your interest. For example "real and estate and columbia and thesis and sustainable and development."
- Because the catalog records for these theses have no subject headings, the only way to search specific topics is to add keywords that would be in the title.
All RED theses are held in the Avery Classics collection. Please see the Avery Library Classics page for information about requesting a RED theses.