Searching for books in CLIO
CLIO is the online catalog for the Columbia, Barnard and Union Theological Seminary libraries. (Read more about CLIO here). Doing a Quicksearch across all of CLIO will search:
Searching for Books in WorldCat
Searching WorldCat will show you materials from libraries around the world, and when accessed through CLIO or the links in this guide, will also highlight what is in Columbia's library collection, as shown in the image below.
Searching WorldCat is a good step to follow searching in CLIO. WorldCat sometimes has more detailed records for books, including those held in our libraries, and can lead you to books you might not have found otherwise if your search term is not in the brief record contained in CLIO. For example, if your search terms are in the table of contents or abstract and the CLIO record doesn't have those pieces of information, the WorldCat record will find your search terms and direct you to the book at Columbia. For books that are not held by Columbia University Libraries, WorldCat gives you the ability to see where the book is held.
Request scans from items at Columbia Libraries or offsite using the scan link in the CLIO record as shown below. Users may request one article, one chapter, or one page range.