Basic Guide to Research on Africa: Indexes & Reviews

Most Recommended--Indexes

  • Africa bibliography. Annual. (Manchester, England ; Dover, N.H. : Manchester University Press, 1984-).
    See also: 2004 to present available online ( via Cambridge Journals Online).

  • Africa-Wide Information  (Baltimore, Maryland: National Information Services Corporation, 1997-; via EBSCO).
    An interdisciplinary international index to publications on Africa.
    Includes: African Studies Abstracts since 1994-2002--see also, ASAO below.
    Note: You can "choose databases": combining Africa-Wide Information, with Anthropology Plus, Historical Abstracts, and MLA International Bibliography ... among others.

  • African Studies Abstracts (ASA) Online (2002-2017). (The Netherlands: African Studies Centre, Leiden University)
    Annotated index of articles from periodicals, chapters from edited works and collective volumes on Africa in the social sciences and the humanities.

  • African Women Bibliographic Database (AfricaBib.Org, Davis Bullwinkle, University of Arkansas, Little Rock).
    A searchable bibliographic database on African women, organized by region, country, and subject. "This English language database contains over 27,000 citations from 1986 to current."

  • AnthropologyPlus. (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC ; via EBSCO)
    Coverage is from the late 19th century to the present. Includes citations based on the collections of Harvard University's Tozzer Library and the Royal Anthropological Institute in London, UK.

  • (Liege, France)
    Comprehensive collection of publications (books and journals) in French available online in full text in the disciplines of economics, law, history and geography, literature and linguistics, psychology, education, political science, sociology, and sport.

  • Current bibliography on African affairs, 1968 to present online. Quarterly. (Farmingdale, NY: Baywood ; Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE journals).

  • HeinOnline (Buffalo, NY : William S. Hein & Co., [2000]-)
    A searchable, online international legal journal index, plus an extensive American, foreign, and international legal documents library.

  • Historical Abstracts. Monthly. (Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 1982- ; via EBSCO).
    A searchable online index (with abstracts) to all western language publications (and dissertations) in the field of history, excluding the U.S. and Canada.

  • International African bibliography, 1971-2015. Quarterly. Published for the International African Institute, School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London. (London: Mansell ; via De Gruyter.)
    See also: Print edition, 1971-2008

  • MLA International Bibliography. 10 times per year. (New York : Modern Language Association of America, 1963-).
    A general index of journals and other publications in all major languages on literature, language, and folklore.

  • PAIS International. Monthly. (New York: Public Access Information Service, 1972-- ; via ProQuest).
    A general social sciences index to books and journal articles, with abstracts since 1985.
    Note: This product offers the option to search Other Databases: including::
    Worldwide Political Science Abstracts

  • Pascal-Francis Archive: Online Index, 1972-2015. Monthly. (Paris : CNRS, 1972-2015).
    Interdisciplinary index to periodicals, books, theses, reports, and conference proceedings, with emphasis on Western European publications.

  • Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. Monthly. (Bethesda, MD: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, 1975-- ; via ProQuest).
    A general database for international relations and political science---citations and abstracts.

  • Additional Indexes

  • Art and Humanties Full Text ([Ann Arbor, Mich.] : ProQuest).

  • Cochrane Library. (Hoboken, NJ: WIley Interscience, 2004-)
    Consists chiefly of four medical science databases: Cochrane database of systematic reviews ; Database of abstracts of reviews of effectiveness; Cochrane controlled trials register ; and Cochrane review methodology database.

  • EconLit. Monthly. Published for the American Economic Association. (Ipswich, Mass.: EBSCO, 1969-).

  • ERIC--Educational Resources Information Center ([Ann Arbor, Mich.] : ProQuest).

  • Index Islamicus. (Cambridge, UK: Islamic Bibliography Unit, Cambridge University Library; via Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, 2004-).
    An index covering books, journals, and other publications since 1906.

  • LITAF: Littérature africaine francophone -- Une base de données bibliographique (Bordeaux, France: Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV).
    "The LITAF bibliographic database provides comprehensive information on literary production in French Sub-Saharan Africa."

  • Persée: portail de revues scientifiques en sciences humaines et sociales. [Paris] : Aliacom ; Lyon : Université Lumière Lyon 2, pour le Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherched, 2005-

  • PubMed (Bethesda, MD: National Center for Biotechnology Information).
    "Provides access to over 16 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to the 1950s."

  • Quarterly index to African periodical literature. (Nairobi, Kenya: The Library of Congress, 1991-2012) --via
    Part of "Africana Periodical Literature": a searchable online index to materials acquired by The Library of Congress between 1991 and 2011, mostly in eastern and southern Africa; and since 2002, also includes titles from Cameroon, Gabon, Ghana and Senegal.

  • WEB-BALL: Web Bibliography of African Languages and Linguistics par J.F. Maho et alli. (Villejuif, France)
    Created with the support of LLACAN--Langage, Langues et cultures d'Afrique noire.

  • World Health Organization Library: African Index Medicus
    A newly revised, web-based international index to publications on health in Africa.
    See also: African index medicus. Quarterly. (Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo: Library & Documentation Centre, WHO Regional Office for Africa, 1993-2000).

  • Book Reviews

  • Africa review of books (2018). -- Dakar, Senegal: CODESRIA, 2004-2018.

  • Book review digest plus. (H.W. Wilson Co., USA; via FirstSearch).

  • H-Net / H-Africa Reviews. (East Lansing, Michigan: H-Net, Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine, Michigan State University, 1995--).
    An archive of reviews of Africana books, electronic resources, exhibitions, and films.
    Select from "lists": H-Africa, H-AfrArts, H-AfrLitCine, H-Luso-Africa, H-SAfrica, H-West-Africa, and others.

  • International Bibliography of Book Reviews. Monthly. (Published by K.G. Saur Verlag, Thomson Corporation, 1985 -).

  • Janz, Bruce B., "African Philosophy Resources: Selected Online Book Reviews & Links. (via University of Central Florida, Orlando).

  • Johannesburg review of books, The. (Online) -- [Johannesburg, South Africa]: The Review, 2017-
    "...publishes reviews, essays, poetry, photographs and short fiction from South Africa, Africa and beyond.."

    --Use "Advanced Search" and select "Reviews" and "African Studies"
  • Legal Databases

  • African Legal Resources: Foreign Law Guide, Jutastat, LawAfrica.Com, and Law in Ghana (2019)
    (via Columbia University Law School Library, The Internet Archive)
    Access restricted to Columbia Law Library, check with Law Library Reference: "Foreign Law Guide" for current legal citations, including many African countries. "Jutastat" is an online, full-text database of statutes & law reports from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia, and Tanzania. "LawAfrica.Com" is a database of case law for East Africa and COMESA countries. "Law in Ghana" is a database of Ghana's legal material, including Ghana Law Reports and Consolidated Statutes, etc.
    • For French (and English) language legal materials on Africa, see

  • International Legal Databases--Access UN, UN Treaty Collection, HeinOnline.
    "Select by Type: International"

    Access to some of these databases is restricted to Columbia Law Library. Ask at Law Library Reference
    See also: