ACM portal : the ACM digital library. This link opens in a new window"Bibliographic information, abstracts, reviews, and the full-text for articles published in ACM periodicals and proceedings since its founding in 1947 are available in the library together with selected works published by affiliated organizations. Tables of Contents for ACM Newsletters published since 1985 are available in the Digital Library. Most do not yet have full text links. Missing Newsletter articles may be ordered from the ACM Depository at the University of Washington.""As of June 1, 2001 the Library contains over 69,000 full-text articles from journals, magazines, and conference proceedings. Tables of contents with over 23,000 citations from articles published in journals and magazines from 1954 forward. Tables of contents with more than 48,000 citations from articles published in over 990 volumes of conference proceedings since 1985. About one half million article references for ACM articles are available with about 200,000 links to full bibliographic information for those references, with 50,000 further links to full text."