Marketing Research: course guide: Other resources


Factiva: access to articles from more than 10,000 newspapers, news wires, business and general interest publications.


Ipoll Databank: consists of approximately half a million questions asked in American public opinion polls conducted since 1935 by major polling, media, and research organizations.


Sports Business Research Network: source of full-text articles, market reports, and statistics on sporting event attendance, broadcasting, sporting goods equipment market and more.


U.S. Commercial Service: the trade promotion arm of the International Trade Administration, contains market reports and country guides for U.S.-based companies seeking to do business internationally.

Books on consumer spending and behavior

Free web sites

American Customer Satisfaction Index - independent measure of household consumption experience. The ACSI tracks trends in customer satisfaction and provides benchmarking insights of the consumer economy for companies, industry associations, and government agencies. Some data is available for free, while other parts of the site require a subscription. Market Research guide from the Small Business Administration that walks you through the market research process and includes links to government data sources.

Pew Research Center surveys and reports on the attitudes, opinions, and lifestyles of Americans. Including the Pew Internet and American Life Project, Pew Global Attitudes Project, and Social & Demographic Trends.

Survey of Consumer Finances is a product of the Federal Reserve and contains information on the financial and demographic characteristics of U.S. families.

Searching Google? Get Better Results

Search engines are useful for finding information, but sometimes it is hard to wade through the bad results to get to quality information and reputable websites.

Use these tips to search Google like a pro:

  • Limit the domains you search. e.g. Search for government sites by putting  in your search. If you have a specific site in mind you can be more specific in your Google search e.g.
  • Remove commercial sites from your results by putting a minus sign in front e.g.
  • Exclude words or websites you don't want with a minus sign. e.g. 
  • Put quotation marks around a phrase to reduce the number of results. e.g. "chewing gum"
  • Use OR to search for one of many options. e.g. campers OR hikers
  • An asterisk * is often used as a wildcard in search engines and databases e.g. camp* will search for camp, campers, camping, etc.
  • Use the Advanced Search to help create a focused search.


Note: many search engines will allow you to refine your search in a simlar fashion.