The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes for construction and real estate sectors. Click on the links to browse specific industries.
Alphabetical directory of real estate lenders (banks, REITs, pension funds, etc.) throughout the U.S. Includes type of financing, type of projects, and contact information. Cross-indexed by real estate sector (apartments, offices, industrial, etc.).
This is the largest diversified financial company in the world, and the nation's largest source of home mortgage funds. This site includes publications of Fannie Mae's Office of Housing Research.
GMID contains over a million demographic, economic and marketing statistics for 205 countries worldwide. The database also contains 6-year historic market size data for more than 330 consumer products in 52 countries, plus 5-year forecasts.
This site is the Office of Policy Development and Research of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. It includes the text of U.S. Housing Market Conditions.
Business reports in five categories: industry market research, industry risk ratings, company research, global industry research, and economic and demographic data.
Company information, including market snapshot, company quote, equity indexes page, the Outlook's market insight, S & P stock stock report, economic calendar, economic insight, industry in focus, and Stovall's sector watch. Also includes mutual funds, S&P industry surveys for the US, Europe, Asia and Latin America
2008-2014 Barnes Report from Business Source Complete. Depicts data on the market condition of the real estate agents and brokers industry in the U.S. including employment trends, sales and industry establishments.
2009 - 2014 Barnes Report from the database Business Source Complete. The 2014 report includes several tables related to the real estate credit industry in the U.S. as of January 2014 are presented including the industry financial ratios from 2011-2015, the estimated industry sales from 2011-2015, and the total number of establishments, firms, and payroll in 2013.
2011 - 2015 Barnes Report from the database Business Source Complete. 2015 Report covers several charts and graphs that are presented that show U.S. capital and expenses outlook for the real estate property managers industry from 2014 to 2016, including industry cost of materials, industry inventories and industry rentals.
Browse ULI's housing research to stay informed about the impact of immigration patterns, the split between ownership and rental housing, and the types of housing locations that are most attractive to key market segments such as baby boomers and generation Y. Find out how commuting time and cost affect the total cost of homeownership in the suburbs compared with that in closer-in neighborhoods.