Maps and Power in Modern African History: Home


This bibliography of printed sources and e-resources available at Columbia University provides a foundation for attaining a scholarly understanding of the relationship between cartography and modern political history of Africa, especially in the Senegambian region, the Niger valley, and the Nile valley from around the 14th century to the early 21st century CE. Book chapters and journal articles are not included, but we have included a list of recommended index databases to search for them. The list supports an interdisciplinary approach to the history of cartography, Western imperialism, and geographical boundaries in West, East, and Central Africa. It highlights works on African, Arab, and European concepts of boundaries, mapping, and mnemonics, along with a general history of the geography of Africa.

For a list of open access digital maps of Africa, see: Maps of Africa on the Internet

General Reference : Continental and Thematic Atlases

  • Africa: atlas of our changing environment. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Program, c2008.
    --See also: E-book

  • Africa south of the Sahara. Annual. London: Europa, 1971—
    --See also: Europa world plus

  • African history in maps. Ed. by Michael Kwamena-Poh et al. London; New York: Longman Group Ltd., 1982. 
  • Atlas of Africa energy resources. Nairobi, Kenya : United Nations Environment Programme, [2017]
    --See also: E-book

  • Atlas of the world. 4th ed. (Oxford atlas of the world.) New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.
  • Betz, Richard L. The mapping of Africa: a cartobibliography of printed maps of the African continent to 1700. 't Goy-Houten [Utrecht], The Netherlands: Hes & de Graaf Publishers, c2007. (540 p.)
  • Blaeu, Joan. Atlas maior. Selections. Blaeu's The grand atlas of the 17th century world. New York: Rizzoli, 1991.
  • Bodenstein, Wulf, Exploring Africa with ancient maps. Tervuren, Belgium : Royal Museum for Central Africa, [2017].
  • Conservation atlas of tropical forests. Ed. by Jeffrey Sayer et al. New York; London: Simon & Schuster, 1992. 
  • Eltis, David and David Richardson. Atlas of the transatlantic slave trade. New Haven, [Connecticut] ; London, [England] : Yale University Press, 2010.
    --See also: E-book

  • Encyclopedia of Africa south of the Sahara. 4 vols. Ed. by John Middleton. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, c1997. 
  • Freeman-Grenville, G.S.P. The new atlas of African history. New York: Simon & Schuster, c1991.
  • Griffiths, Ieuan Ll. An atlas of African affairs. New York: Routledge, 1994.
    --See also: E-book

  • Historical atlas of Africa. Ed by J.F. Ade Ajayi et al. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985.
  • How to identify old maps and globes, with a list of cartographers, engravers, publishers, and printers concerned with printed maps and globes from c. 1500 to c. 1850. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books (1965)
  • Kurian, George Thomas. Atlas of the Third World. 2nd ed. New York: Facts on File, 1992.
    --See also: 1983 ed.

  • Lugan, Bernard. Atlas historique de l'Afrique des origines à nos jours. (Unbound leaves of text and folded sheet maps.) Monaco: Rocher, 2001.
  • Mapping Specialists, Inc. Africa on file. 2 vols. New York: Facts on File, 1995.
  • Maps of Africa on the Internet. (Compiled by Columbia University Libraries)
  • McEvedy, Colin. The Penguin atlas of African history. New ed., rev. ed. London; New York: Penguin Books, 1995.
  • McIlwaine, John. Maps and mapping of Africa: a resource guide. London; New Providence, N.J.: Hans Zell Publishers, 1997.
  • Murray, Jocelyn. Cultural atlas of Africa. New York: Facts on File, c1981.
  • Norwich's maps of Africa : an illustrated and annotated carto-bibliography. 2nd ed. Rev. and ed. by Jeffrey C. Stone. Norwich, Vermont: Terra Nova Press, 1997.
  • Peters, Arno. Peters Atlas of the world. 1st U.S. ed. New York: Harper & Row, 1990.
  • Robinson, Francis. Atlas of the Islamic World since 1500. New York: Facts on File, 1988.
  • Segal, Aaron. An atlas of international migration. London; New York: Hans Zell Publishers, 1993.
  • Walvin, James. Atlas of slavery. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2014, c2006.
    --See also: E-book

  • World atlas of desertification. 2nd ed. Ed. by Nick Middleton and David Thomas; UNEP. London: Arnold, 1997.
  • "The True Size of Africa"

    Courtesy of Kai Krause.

    "lukasa", Luba Kingdom, 19th c. CE [Democratic Republic of Congo]

    Courtesy of The Brooklyn Museum.

    See also: Roberts, Mary Nooter. "Luba art and divination." Art and Life in Africa. The University of Iowa, Stanley Museum of Art.

    National & Regional Atlases

  • Académie royale des sciences d'outre-mer. Atlas général du Congo et du Ruanda-Urundi. Bruxelles: L'Institut, 1948. [32 vols.]

  • Adam, Kolawolé Sikirou and Mathias Komla Pofagi. Identification des espaces administratifs et de développement du Bénin : approches géographiques. Cotonou (Benin): Nouvelle Presse publications : CEDA, 2008.

  • Atlas de Côte d'Ivoire. Sous la direction de Danielle Ben Yahmed et Nicole Houstin. Paris : Jaguar, 2013.

  • Atlas de l'organisation administrative de la Republique Democratique du Congo. [Compiled by] Léon de Saint Moulin avec la collaboration de Jean-Luc Kalombo Tshibanda, informaticien. Kinshasa : Centre d'Etudes Pour l'Action Sociale, 2011.

  • Atlas du Burkina Faso. Les Atlas Jeune Afrique. Sous le patronage de Georges Laclavère. Paris: Les Editions J.A., 1993.

  • Atlas du Niger. Les Atlas Jeune Afrique. Sous la direction de Edmond Bernus et Sidikou A. Hamidou; sous le patronage de Georges Laclavère. Paris : Éditions J.A., c1980.

  • Atlas du Rwanda. Direction générale et éditoriale, Danielle Ben Yahmed, Nicole Houstin. Paris : Jaguar, 2013.

  • Atlas du Tchad. Direction générale, Danielle Ben Yahmed ...[et al.] ; avec la collaboration de Mahamat Ali Mustapha ... [et al.] Paris, France: Les Éditions J.A., c2006.

  • Atlasi ya lugha za Tanzania / Mradi wa lugha za Tanzania. Dar es Salaam : Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam, 2009.

  • Atlas linguistique de la Republique Democratique du Congo: programme ALAC: atlas linguistique de l'Afrique Centrale. Yaoundé : Editions du CERDOTOLA, [2011]

  • Atlas linguistique du Cameroun (ALCAM). 2 vols. Directeur de publication/editor, Charles Binam Bikoi. Yaoundé : Editions du CERDOTOLA, [2012]

  • Atlas national du Sénégal. (S.l.: s.n., 1977) (Paris: l'Institut Géographique National).

  • Atlas of Namibia : a portrait of the land and its people. 3rd ed. [Compiled by] John Mendelsohn ... [et al.]. Cape Town : Sunbird Publishers, 2009.

  • An atlas of the lower Shire Valley, Malaŵi. [Blantyre] : Shire Valley Agricultural Development Project, 1975.

  • Atlas of Uganda. 2nd. ed. [Entebbe], Uganda Department of Lands and Surveys, 1967.

  • Atlas sócio-demográfico de Moçambique. Maputo : Instituto Nacional de Estatìstica, c2000.

  • Botswana. Population census atlas 2011 : Botswana. [Gaborone]: Statistics Botswana, [2015].

  • Christopher, A.J. The atlas of apartheid. New York; London: Routledge; Johannesburg, South Africa: Witwatersrand University Press, c1994.

  • Christopher, A.J. The atlas of changing South Africa. 2nd ed. London : Routledge, 2001.
    --See also: E-book

  • Ethiopian Mapping Agency. National atlas of Ethiopia. 1st ed. Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Mapping Authority, 1988.

  • Gambia. Bureau of Statistics. The Gambia atlas of 2003 population and housing census. [Kanifing, Banjul, Gambia] : Gambia Bureau of Statistics, c2006.

  • Ghana Statistical Service. Census atlas, Ghana: 2010 population & housing census. Accra: Ghana Statistical Service, 2013.

  • A history of West Africa in maps and diagrams. Ed. by Brian Catchpole and I.A. Akinjogbin. London: Collins Educational, [1983]

  • Illustrated atlas of south, central, east Africa. 1st ed. Cape Town: MapStudio, 1996.

  • Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire. West African international atlas : Atlas international de l'ouest africain. 1 v. (boxed set of folded, colored maps) Dakar: IFAN, 1968-1978.

  • International Lake Environment Committee Foundation for Sustainable Mangement of World Lakes & Reservoirs. World Lake Database--African Lakes. Shiga-ken, Japan: ILEC, 2022. -- via Columbia University Libraries

  • Lagos State in maps. Edited by Yinka Balogun, Tayo Odumosu, and Kayode Ojo. Ibadan : Rex Charles Publications, in association with Connel Publications, 1999

  • Lesotho : land cover atlas. Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2017.

  • Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services. 2008 census atlas. Monrovia, Liberia : LISGS, [2011].

  • Nigeria. Federal Surveys. The National atlas of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. 1st ed. Lagos: Federal Surveys, 1978.

  • Nigeria in maps. Edited by K.M. Barbour [and others]. New York : Africana Pub. Co., 1982.

  • Norwich, I. Maps of Southern Africa. Johannesburg: Ad. Donker: Jonathan Ball, 1993.

  • Ogun State in maps. Ed. by S.O. Onakomaiya et al. Ibadan, Nigeria: Rex Charles, 1992.

  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Regional Atlas on West Africa. Paris : OECD Publishing, 2009.

  • Pourtier, Roland. Atlas de la Zone Franc en Afrique subsaharienne: monnaie, économie, société. Paris: Documentation française, 1995.

  • Robin, Nelly.  Atlas des migrations ouest-africaines vers l'Europe, 1985-1993. Paris: EUROSTAT: ORSTOM Editions, 1996.

  • Sierra Leone in maps: graphic perspectives of a developing country. 2nd ed. Ed. by John I. Clarke. New York: Africana Publishing, 1972.

  • Socio-economic atlas of Kenya : depicting the national population census by county and sub-location. Compiled by Urs Wiesmann, Boniface Kiteme, and Zachary Mwangi. Nanyuki, Kenya : Kenya National Bureau of Statistics ; Bern, Switzerland : Centre for Development and Environment, 2014.

  • Uganda : atlas of our changing environment. Kampala, Uganda : National Environmental Management Authority, c2009.
  • Citation Management

  • The Chicago manual of style. 18th ed. E-book. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2024)

  • Columbia University: Citation Management Software

  • Columbia Guide to Online Style. (2006) E-book.

  • Hacker, Diana. The Bedford handbook. 5th ed. Boston: Bedford Books, c1998. --See also: 6th ed.

  • Library Catalogs

  • CLIO
    (All CU libraries EXCEPT Law Library & Teachers College)

  • GeoData@Columbia

  • Pegasus (Law Library)

  • Educat (Teachers College)

  • WorldCat

  • Indexes for Articles, Books, Book Chapters

  • Africa-Wide Information  (Baltimore, Maryland: National Information Services Corporation, 1997-; via EBSCO).   -- An interdisciplinary international index on Africa.
    Note: "Choose Databases" to combine search with Anthropology Plus, Historical Abstracts, etc.
  • (Liege, France)  -- A comprehensive index of online publications in French: economics, education, geography, history, law, linguistics, literature, political science, psychology, sociology, and sport.
  • PAIS Index. Monthly. (New York: Public Access Information Service, 1972-- ; via ProQuest). -- A general social sciences index to books and journal articles, with abstracts since 1985.  Note: Combine with Other Databases, including: Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
  • "Endonyms of Africa" by Jordan Engel

    Courtesy of "The Decolonial Atlas"


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    Yuusuf Caruso
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