This bibliography of printed sources and e-resources available at Columbia University provides a foundation for attaining a scholarly understanding of the relationship between cartography and modern political history of Africa, especially in the Senegambian region, the Niger valley, and the Nile valley from around the 14th century to the early 21st century CE. Book chapters and journal articles are not included, but we have included a list of recommended index databases to search for them. The list supports an interdisciplinary approach to the history of cartography, Western imperialism, and geographical boundaries in West, East, and Central Africa. It highlights works on African, Arab, and European concepts of boundaries, mapping, and mnemonics, along with a general history of the geography of Africa.
For a list of open access digital maps of Africa, see: Maps of Africa on the Internet
Courtesy of The Brooklyn Museum.
See also: Roberts, Mary Nooter. "Luba art and divination." Art and Life in Africa. The University of Iowa, Stanley Museum of Art.
The Chicago manual of style. 17th ed. E-book. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, [2017])
Columbia University: Citation Management Software
Hacker, Diana. The Bedford handbook. 5th ed. Boston: Bedford Books, c1998. --See also: 6th ed.