Lehman Library is a microfiche depository for New York State documents published 1983-1996. For New York State documents published prior to 1983, please check the Butler Library card catalogs and CLIO. For documents published after 1996, please check the catalog of the New York State Library.
New York State documents microfiche are filed on the 200 level of Lehman Library. Bibliographic access to the microfiche collection of New York State documents in Lehman Library is provided through the Checklist of Official Publications of the State of New York (Z 1223.5 .M57 N55). Call numbers for New York State microfiche can also be located through a search on the catalog of the New York State Library.
All New York State documents published since 1996 have been scanned and are available as PDF files from the New York State Library. You can either search the New York State Library catalog, Excelsior, or browse through executive, legislative, and judicial documents by clicking here.