Database of statistics about New York City from 1980 to the present. Consists of official statistical data from U.S., New York State, and New York City agencies. Includes population statistics, housing data, immigration trends, socio-economic indicators, birth and death data, hospitalizations, and more. Data is presented for the geographies that are unique to New York City.
A Bureau of Labor survey that measures the amount of time people spend doing various activities such as working, childcare, volunteering and socializing.
nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. We conduct public opinion polling, demographic research, content analysis and other data-driven social science research
Includes daily research articles, analyst reports, and a database of e-business and online marketing statistics, aggregated and analyzed from over 2,800 sources. Topics include market research and trend analysis on Internet, e-business, online marketing, media and emerging technologies.
GMID contains over a million demographic, economic and marketing statistics for 205 countries worldwide. The database also contains 6-year historic market size data for more than 330 consumer products in 52 countries, plus 5-year forecasts.
Offers yearly reports covering UK, Europe, US and International consumer markets in the CPG/FMCG, financial services, media, retail, leisure and industrial space. Market data including size, segmentation and forecasts. Includes daily updates on the hottest issues affecting key consumer markets and the economy.
Downloadable market research handbooks covering the following market sectors: Casinos, Gaming & Wagering, Consumer Behavior, Entertainment, Media & Advertising, Healthcare Business, International Consumers, Leisure, Restaurant, Food & Beverage, Retail Business, Sports, Travel & Tourism. Each report breaks down into industry segments and covers market assessment, trends, demographics and more.
RKMA market research handbooks / Richard K. Miller & Associates.
Provides access to statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources on over 600 industries.
Forrester's research publications analyze a broad range of technology areas such as new media, computing, software, networking, telecommunications and the Internet, and project how technology trends will affect businesses, consumers, and society. Forrester reports include up-to-date industry statistics, as well as illustrative graphs and charts.
Forrester : information & knowledge management Forrester research.
Virtual library of reports covering IT infrastructure, telecom, data networking, wireless communications, security, enterprise systems, the Internet and World Wide Web, as well as technology vendors. FAITS also links to technology and business news resources such as Nando Net, The New York Times, Financial Times, NewsBytes, and the BBC.
Full-text news, financial and economic information on emerging market countries in Latin America, Central & Eastern Europe, East, South and Southeast Asia, Southeast Europe, Central Asia and Caucasus, Africa and Middle East.
Provides in-depth market research reports on 24 industries and 200 global markets, emphasizing emerging markets. Also provides extensive economic and political risk ratings and analysis, macroeconomic analysis and forecasts, and financial analysis of debt and equity. Also includes profiles for over 500 multinational companies and their subsidiaries, and intra-daily alerts on economic, industrial, and political developments, business deals, multinational joint ventures, and regulatory changes.
Business reports in five categories: industry market research, industry risk ratings, company research, global industry research, and economic and demographic data.
Company information, including market snapshot, company quote, equity indexes page, the Outlook's market insight, S & P stock stock report, economic calendar, economic insight, industry in focus, and Stovall's sector watch. Also includes mutual funds, S&P industry surveys for the US, Europe, Asia and Latin America
SRDS contains media information, including advertising rates, deadline dates and contact data for the print and broadcast media. Includes the Direct Marketing List Source and Out of Home Advertising Source.
WARC is a database providing access to advertising and marketing information from various sources. The searchable sources include organisations of various countries, monographs, conference papers, abstracts (including 'Market research abstracts') and the full-text of various journals, including the International journal of market research, the Journal of advertising research, the International journal of advertising, Admap, the Journal of advertising history and Market leader.