Qing and Modern China Documents: Acquired Databases

Hilighlighting acquired and open-access resources and Columbia's archival collections

Chinese Language

Archives & Books

  • CADAL (China Academic Digital Associative Library) 高等学校中英文图书数字化国际合作计划 (Hosted by Zhejiang University Library, may have access issues)
  • Databases for the History of Contemporary Chinese Political Movements 1949-  中国当代政治运动史数据库
    • Chinese Cultural Revolution Database 中国文化大革命文库
    • Chinese Anti-Rightist Campaign Database 中国反右运动数据库 1957
    • Chinese Great Leap Forward–Great Famine Database, 1958-1962 中国大跃进-大饥荒数据库
    • Early-mid 1950s Chinese Political Movements Database: from Land Reform to State-Private Partnership 中国五十年代初中期的政治运动数据库: 从土地改革到公私合营 1949-1956
  • Guo xue bao dian 国学宝典 (Columbia UNI/password login required from anywhere)
    Containing hundreds of 清代笔记 and 民国笔记 among others
  • Ming Qing bian hai fang 明清边海防 (明清两朝边塞海疆地理文献汇编全文检索系统) 
  • Nei ge da ku dang an (Grand Secretariat Archives) 內閣大庫檔案
    Mostly Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) archival documents, plus some Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) materials.
  • Han ji (Scripta Sinica) 漢籍
    Covering 史評;正史;目錄;地理;別史;政書(大清會典、大清律例,etc.);紀事本末;詔令奏議;傳記;載記;編年(清實錄、明實錄);職官;雜史
  • Xin fang zhi (Wanfang New Local gazetteers) 新方志
    Post-1949 local gazetteers
  • Zhongguo fang zhi ku 中国方志库 
    Pre-1949 local gazetteers

Periodicals & Newspapers

English Language

Chinese Studies

Profile Photo
Chengzhi Wang
C.V. Starr East Asian Library
212 854 3721