The European Union: Find Data & Statistics

DSSC Data Service


Find Data & Statistics


  • European Public Opinion Analysis
    Official EU polling information, including Eurobarometer and Europinion.
  • IMF eLibrary
    Access to data and statistical tools, as well as books and reports. Topics covered include macroeconomics, development, trade and aid, technical assistance, and poverty reduction.
  • Maps of Europe
    The Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, The University of Texas at Austin
  • OECD iLibrary
    Includes all OECD books, reports, periodicals and statistical databases. Coverage: 1988 to the present, updated weekly.
  • Statistical Insight
    Statistical information from the U.S. government, international intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), state governments, and private sources. Coverage varies.
  • Thompson One Banker
    Provides access to financial data on public companies, as well as merger and acquisition information and market data, 1999 to the present.
  • TranStats
    A searchable index of over 100 transportation-related data bases across every mode of transportation with many social and demographic data sets.
  • World Development Indicators (World Bank)
    WDI is a comprehensive database on development data covering 575 indicators, 225 countries, and 18 regional and income groups. Coverage varies.