Listed and linked below are many of the key resources available to you, through Columbia Libraries, for identifying, locating, and accessing periodical and newspaper articles from the 17th, 18th, 19th, or early 20th centuries.
An index will enable you to identify articles published in periodicals and/or newspapers. For the most wide-ranging picture of how your topic was covered in the periodical press, you will want to make use of indexes and full-text resources in conjunction with one another.
For a fuller listing and discussion of periodical guides and/or indexes, see:
Balay, Robert. Early periodical indexes : bibliographies and indexes of literature published in periodicals before 1900. (Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2000)
Butler Reference R016.05 B18
Bibliographies, directories, and histories can provide you with varying types and degrees of information about specific periodicals or newspapers and/or about the periodical press as a whole in a given time period. Some major examples of such works would be:
Books and other information resources about periodicals and newspapers can be searched in CLIO under the appropriate subject headings.
english periodicals
english newspapers
american periodicals
american newspapers
Once you have done your subject search in CLIO:
english periodicals--bibliography
english periodicals--directories
english periodicals--history
english periodicals--indexes
African American periodicals
Children’s periodicals, American
Hispanic American periodicals
Women’s periodicals, American