American History and American Studies: Encyclopedias, etc.

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Individual Encyclopedias

Dictionary of American History
Stanley I. Kutler, ed. 3rd edition (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2003), 10 vols.
"The first comprehensive revision of this classic reference source, originally published in 1940, features updated and revised entries from previous editions, as well as more than 800 new entries covering recent events and topics not covered previously."
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Encyclopedia of African American Culture and History
Colin A. Palmer, ed. 2nd edition (Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2006), 6 vols.
A five-volume set and supplement volume covering many aspects of the African-American experience from 1619 to the present day.
This encyclopedia may be searched individually, through its link above, or cross-searched with many other encyclopedias in Gale virtual reference library.

Encyclopedia of American cultural & intellectual history
Mary Kupiec Cayton , Peter W. Williams, eds. 1st edition (New York: Scribner, c2001), 3 vols.
"...covers not only historic periods such as the Colonial era and the Reagan era, but also looks at cultural groups such as the working class and cultural institutions and forms such as the university and cinema."
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Encyclopedia of American foreign policy
(New York, N.Y. : Charles Scribner's Sons, c2002).
Richard Dean Burns, Alexander DeConde, and Fredrik Logevall, eds. 2nd edition (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2002), 3 vols.
"Essays by subject experts treat concepts and doctrines, policymaking, commerce and science, human rights and arms control, with specific articles on topics ranging from anti-imperialism to environmental diplomacy, from refugee policies to terrorism and countermeasures. Also includes a chronology."
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Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered History in America
Marc Stein, ed. (Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2004), 3 vols.
"A three-volume survey of more than 400 years of lesbian and gay history and culture in the United States, presented through over 500 alphabetically arranged entries. Coverage includes people, public policy, economics, social issues, identities, and culture, among many others."
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Encyclopedia of the American Constitution
Leonard W. Levy and Kenneth L. Karst, eds. 2nd edition (Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2000) 6 vols.
This second edition "contains new and updated original articles covering recent concepts (i.e. adoption, race, the Constitution, birthright citizenship) and court cases since 1992 [when the first edition finished publication] offering comprehensive coverage of all aspects of constitutional law. . . . Also covers judicial decisions handed down by the Supreme Court."
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Encyclopedia of the new American nation : the emergence of the United States, 1754-1829
Paul Finkelman, editor in chief (Detroit : Charles Scribner's Sons : Thomson Gale, c2006), 3 vols.
Butler Reference, Butler Library Room 301 (Non-Circulating) Call Number: R973.4 En2

Encyclopedia of the United States in the nineteenth century
Paul Finkelman, editor in chief (New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, c2001), 3 vols.
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Encyclopedia of the United States in the twentieth century
Stanley I. Kutler, editor in chief (New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, c1996), 5 vols.
Butler Reference, Butler Library Room 301 (Non-Circulating) Call Number: R973 En196
US History & Literature Reading Rm, 502 Butler (Non-Circulating) Call Number: E740.7 .E53 1996

The Greenwood guide to American popular culture
M. Thomas Inge and Dennis Hall, eds. (Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2002), 4 vols.
Butler Reference, Butler Library Room 301 (Non-Circulating) Call Number: R301.2 G85
US History & Literature Reading Rm, 502 Butler (Non-Circulating) Call Number: E169.1 .G7555 2002

Harvard encyclopedia of American ethnic groups
Stephan Thernstrom, Ann Orlov, and Oscar Handlin, eds. (Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University, 1980)
Butler Stacks Call Number: E184.A1 H35
Digital Humanities Center Reference, 305 Butler (Non-Circulating) Call Number: R033 H26
Although this encyclopedia is by now over thirty years old, it remains valuable for its treatment of information available at the time of its publication. It was designed to be "the first comprehensive and systematic review of the many peoples of this country" and "a guide to the history, culture, and distinctive characteristics of the more than 100 ethnic groups who live in the United States." Represents the work of "one hundred and twenty American and European contributors." Includes maps, tables, and statistics. Discusses patterns of internal migration, immigration, and settlement. (Quotations from publisher's Website.)

International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences
editor-in-chief, James D. Wright. 2nd edition (Amsterdam, Netherlands : Elsevier, 2015)
Provides in-depth overviews of current thinking on key concepts in the social and behavioral sciences. This is a major resource. It has been fully revised and updated (in comparison to the first edition, which had been published in 2001).

The Oxford encyclopedia of Latinos & Latinas in the United States
Suzanne Oboler and Deena J. González, eds.  (Oxford, UK ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2005), 4 vols.
"This landmark scholarly work offers comprehensive, reliable, and accessible information about the fastest growing minority population in the United States. With an unprecedented scope and cutting-edge scholarship, the Encyclopedia draws together the diverse historical and contemporary experiences in the United States of Latinos and Latinas from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Central America, South America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East."
This encyclopedia may be searched individually, through its link above, or cross-searched with many other reference works in  Oxford reference   

St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture
Thomas Riggs, ed. 2nd edition. (Detroit, Michigan : St. James Press, 2013), 5 vols.
"Includes more than 3,036 signed essays (300 of them new), alphabetically arranged, and written or reviewed by subject experts and edited to form a consistent, readable, and straightforward reference. Entries cover topics and persons in major areas of popular culture: film; music; print culture; social life; sports; television and radio; and art and performance. . . ."
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