Sociology: Find Other Resources

This guide provides resources for your sociological research

Reference Materials

Reference materials provide a good, working knowledge of key issues and sub-topics and provide ideas for other sources to explore. Beyond this list, you should know that all of the following types of materials can be helpful reference material for your research: almanacs, atlases, bibliographies, dictionaries, directories, encyclopedias, handbooks, and indexes.

General Reference Materials: 

Test Prep: 


Research Methodology

Writing Resources for Sociology

  • A Guide to Writing Sociology Papers
    Hard copy in Lehman Reference, HM585 .G78 2008g
  • Style Guide, American Sociological Association (ASA)
    Available in hard copy in Lehman Reference, HM569 .A54 2007
  • Writing for Emerging Sociologists
    Introduces a variety of writing projects that sociologists undertake, while also providing instruction on grammar and composition.