East Africa, c. 1000 CE to the present: CLIO Searching and Primary Sources?

General Tips on Searching CLIO for Books and Book Chapters

  1. Basic Search Tools for CLIO and Other Databases
  2. Reference works or statistical publications -- in print or electronic

    • Combine name of city, country, language or ethnic group as “Subject” -AND- another term as a “Subject”….such as:

      bibliography | handbooks | statistics | atlas -or- maps

      biography | congresses (for conferences) | dictionaries | grammar

  3. Historical sources—published

    • Combine history and/or name of country ... with "Subject" keywords
      such as:
      “description and travel” | “personal narratives” | "sources" | "economic conditions"

      "economic development" | "women" -or- "men" | "labour" -or- "labor"

      "missions" (Christian missionaries) -or- "church history"
    • Colonial government publications in print

      Search by title or title keywords of document [if known]; otherwise use
      name of the colonial territory ...with Great Britain, France, etc.
      as “Author” or “All Fields”

  4. Literary works

    • Combine as "All Fields" name of city -or- name of country
      ...with "Fiction" -or- "Poetry" -or- "Drama" -or- "Criticism"

  5. Art exhibitions, Illustrations, and photographs [in publication]

    • For art exhibitions, combine name of city -or- name of country ...with "Exhibitions"
    • Combine name of city -or- name of country ... with "Pictorial works"

  6. Films

    • Search in CLIO--Catalog by title of film [if known]; otherwise, use
      name of country
      ...then, select "Video" Format, on left hand side of the display.
    • Combine name of country
      ...with "Documentary films" -or- "Feature films"

Primary Sources?